29 Jul 2019

iSheet best practice

Topics Best practise
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Product Area Filter iSheets

Enable and navigate to the iSheet module

The iSheets module option will only be displayed when a minimum of one iSheet has been created on the site.

Test email alerts incrementally

When building a complex alert condition with multiple components, add each new condition statement one at a time and test before adding the next condition statement. This will allow you to easily identify the source of any alert issues should they arise.

Ensure proper nesting of multiple conditions

If your alerter condition requires more complex logic and multiple conditions chained together using Boolean logic, make sure you have enclosed connected conditions in parentheses (brackets).

Decide who will set user email preferences 

Either allow users to set their own preferences, or dictate to users that the alerts have been set for them. Mixing the two will likely create conflicts which may result in users not being alerted.

Consider permissions

If a user group does not have access to a column, they will not receive an alert.

Remind users of "Suppress email alert" option

Consider whether you need to send an alert - If not, use the Suppress all Alerts option, accessed through the Alert icon when adding or editing a record.

Be mindful of alerter view filters

Ensure the alerter view does not contain any filters that would conflict with user email preference selections.

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