17 Jul 2019

Search in Publisher

Product Filter HighQ Publisher
Product Area Filter Search

The search functionality in Publisher allows you to search for pieces of content in your instance. In order to search, navigate and click the Search icon, to display the search field:

Quick search results only show results based on content titles and not the content body. For more in-depth search results, you will need to press enter and then navigate to the advanced search function, shown below:

Enter your search criteria, for example, 'Employment law' and press enter to perform the search. The search results will be displayed:

Click on each result to display more information about that piece of content. 

Additional search features

There are extra features you can utilise to improve your overall search.

Changing the view

You can view the view of your search results via the different View buttons:

You have the option to select, Title list (default), Title thumbnail list and Thumbnail view.

Sorting and saving your search

You can sort your search via the Sort button:

And you have the option to choose from either Relevance (default) or Date

To save your search, click Save search:

You will be asked to enter a name for your search:

Enter a name and click Save.

Your search will now be saved, and accessible via the drop-down menu next to the search bar in the Search results screen:

Additional actions

Some pieces of content displayed in the search results have additional actions that you can take against them:

The Star icon enables you to favourite a search result, so you can access it later from your favourites. The Share icon allows you to share the content, and the More actions button gives you additional actions such as download and embed, if the piece of content is a video for example.

Filtering search results

You can filter your search results by users the filter on the left-hand side of the Search results page:

Here, you have several options to filter your content, such as date, content type, modules and metadata. If you want to clear your filters, click Clear filter(s).

Advanced search

You can access the advanced search either via the dropdown next to the search results field, or from the filter section (see above screenshot):

Click Advanced search to display the Advanced search screen:

The advanced search gives you options to increase the effectiveness of your search. In addition to content type and metadata, you ensure your search includes certain words and excludes certain words, and additionally, you can search via tags, dates and author. Click Search to perform your search.

Control which metadata is shown in Advanced search

As of 5.4, you can now also control which metadata is shown in Advanced search, meaning you can hide specific metadata nodes.

To do this, navigate to your profile drop down menu > System admin:

The System admin screen will be displayed. Within the System admin screen, navigate to System settings > Metadata:

The Metadata screen is displayed:

Within the metadata screen, click More actions > Edit node:

The Edit node screen will be displayed. Within the Edit node screen, select or de-select the Show in advance search check box based on whether you want this metadata to be displayed in the advanced search:

Click Save to save your changes.

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