15 Sept 2019

Wiki module overview

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Product Area Filter Wiki

The Wiki module can be accessed by clicking the Wiki tab in the navigation bar (although it is possible that the site administrator may have renamed the module for any particular site). The Wiki module is displayed only if it has been enabled by a site administrator and if the user has been given permission to access the module. 

The Wiki module can be used to create content directly in the browser. Besides using the browser as the tool for creating and publishing the content, what differentiates a wiki from other types of content (be it a Word document or a blog post) is that the content is typically created collaboratively, with many users contributing or editing to wiki, which results in a living, breathing knowledge repository. The use of a browser facilitates this process, as there is no owner of the document/content, updates are published to everyone automatically and everyone has access to the content creation tool.

The Wiki module includes, among other features: versioning, commenting, tags, attachments, the ability to embed or link to content from other content areas, a parent-child tree view, advanced permissions and easy rich-text editing.

You can also sort the wiki tree structure from 4.0.3 onwards via Sort wiki:

Click Sort wiki to display the Sort screen:

Select how you want to sort the wiki and click Save.

The Wiki module has two sections:

  • The left navigation, which shows a hierarchy of all wiki pages and also displays a users saved favourites. You can choose to hide the left navigation panel by ticking this setting in site administration. You can also change the size of the left navigation panel by using the icon displayed below when hovering over the edge of the panel. 

  • The content area on the right, which displays one wiki page at a time.

When the Wiki module is first accessed, the wiki home page is displayed by default.

Most activity in the Wiki module, including creating, modifying and commenting on wiki pages, are included in the Activity module for the site and the Activity section of the Dashboard

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