18 Nov 2019

Workflow overview

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Product Area Filter Workflow

Workflow and process automation empowers firms to automate legal processes. Whether it’s legal project management, due diligence reporting, AI-powered contract review or transaction and litigation management, workflow brings people, content, and process together.

Workflow is a premium feature of the HighQ platform - if you do not have it enabled and want to evaluate it please speak to your account manager.

Watch our introduction video on workflows:



A site administrator can build a workflow; however any site user can trigger rules, be assigned a task and receive custom emails, as part of the workflow process.

To make the best use of workflow you should ensure that the Files, iSheets, Tasks and Events modules are all enabled.


Building workflows and rules overview

Add a workflow in AdminWorkflow management, then build rules that trigger actions in your workflow process.

A single workflow can contain multiple rules; then each rule defines the triggers that, if conditions are met, start one or more actions.

See Manage workflows to automate tasks for best practices when adding workflows.

Building rules in Workflow

A workflow is defined in a step-by-step process:

  1. Add a workflow as a container that will hold a set of related rules.

  2. Start to build your rule - add a rule description to your workflow.

  3. Add triggers with conditions to the rule, based on:

    • iSheet records
    • Files
    • Tasks
    • Dates
    • Schedule

  4. Add actions to the rule (each article below describes a single type of action):

  5. Activate both the workflow and your rules:

    • Open the Rule builder screen and click More actions for your workflow description, select Activate to change the status of a Draft workflow to Active.
    • Each rule must also be activated - open the rule then click More actions for each rule that is needed and select Activate.


Workflow audit history

The Workflow history audit allows you to search through historical workflow activity and also test workflow rules without searching for the automated outputs.

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