18 Jun 2019

Add and manage site groups in Collaborate

To view existing Admin and Site groups, navigate to Admin User management > Groups:

Adding groups

To add a new site or system group, click Add in the Groups screen:

If you select System group, you are asked which System Group you want to add.

Click New site group to display the New site group screen:

Enter a name for the new group, and optionally enter a group description. If another site is available on your instance, you can copy folder and file permissions. You can also assign existing members to the group in the Members field.

A single group may contain members from different organisations.

Click Save to save your changes and create the new group. 

If you want to create another group, select the Add another group checkbox and after you click Save, the New site group screen is displayed again. Fill out the details and click Save to create a second group.

Group permissions

To manage group permissions click here.

Naming groups

There are several scenarios in which users have permission to see group names in the site, so they should be named appropriately. These include, but are not be limited to, the following:

  • Site administrators have complete access to groups
  • Content administrators can see and configure which groups may view and edit file content and wiki content
  • Member administrators can view the groups that they are a member of, from the Admin tab
  • Reporting administrators have full access to the list of groups and the members of each group
  • Files module: A user with folder admin rights can view permissions for files and folders for which they have folder admins rights
  • Wiki module: A user with edit rights to a page can edit the permissions on that page, including adding or removing the access rights to any group that would have at least view rights to that wiki page by default
  • Tasks module: A user can see the name of any group that is assigned to a task, provided the user has at least view access to the task. Users with edit rights to the Tasks module may assign tasks to any group in which they are a member

Editing a group's membership and name

To edit the details of a group, either, click the name of the group in the Groups screen, or navigate to the More actions button for the group you want to edit, and click Edit details:

The Group details - <group name> screen is displayed:

  • To change the group's name, edit the name in the Group name field
  • To add additional members to the group, search for the names of the users to be added in the Members field, and press Enter
  • To remove existing site members, click the red x next to the member you want to remove
  • Click Save to save your changes

All changes take effect immediately.

A single group may contain members from different organisations; users may be members of more than one group.

Removing a group

To remove a group, select the checkbox next to the group and click Remove:

The following screen is displayed:
Click Remove to confirm the removal of the group.

Removing a group does not remove any of the group's members from the site. Non-adminstrative users who are not members of a group, in a site that uses group based security, are not able to access any content in that site. (Those are unallocated users and can be identified from the Users page.)

View the members of a group

Click the name of the group on the Groups page to display the Group details - <group name> screen:

A list of all users is displayed under the User section. The second column displays the organisation for each user.

Admin users can remove users if needed.

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