28 Aug 2019

Automatic numbering

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter Files

Within Site > Admin  > Files > Advanced options:

A user can enable auto numbering which allows a Site Administrator to add automatic numbering to files and folders. When this setting is enabled, the name of every files and folder in the Files module will appear pre-pended with numbers in a sequence:


The numbering schema is 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1

  • A dot is used to separate each level in the file and folder tree.
  • Folders and files at the same level are included with the same sequence

The top-level folder is not numbered.

  • The first folder under the top-level folder is given number 1, the second is given 2, etc.
  • As shown above, if there is a subfolder three levels down that is given number 6.1.2; the files in that folder are given numbers, then, etc.

The numbering is based on the order in which the files are sorted. By default, files and folders are sorted in the order in which they were added to the site.

The sort order of individual folders, and their contents, can be changed. If the sort order is changed, the numbering will be adjusted accordingly.

If a user does not have view access to certain content, then the numbering will be adjusted for them ensuring that every user sees the same numbering for all content. For example, if subfolders are numbered: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5, but a user does not have view access to the folder that is numbered 1.3, when the user views the site, he will see the subfolders numbered as follows: 1.1, 1.2, 1.4 and 1.5 and the folders will not be renumbered based on his access rights.

File and folder titles are not actually modified to include numbers. If this feature is turned off, the numbers will disappear and if individual files are downloaded, the file name will not include the number.

However, if a bulk download is performed (via the Index page) on a site with this feature enabled, there is an option to include the numbers in the file and folder names.

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