29 Jul 2019

Content navigation and templates in Publisher

Product Filter HighQ Publisher
Product Area Filter Publisher modules

Navigation elements can be added to publications, events and video content. 

Adding a navigation content element

In order to add a navigation content element, navigate to the Modules admin in the Content hub:

Click the module you want to add the content element to and navigate to the Content elements tab:

Click Add content element to display the Select content element screen.

And select the Navigation content element:

Click Add to add the content element. The Navigation content element will now be displayed in your list of elements:

Default navigation

Once you have added your navigation content element, you can set the default navigation in the Details tab:

Click the Default Navigation drop-down menu to display all available navigations, and select which one you want to be the default navigation. Click Save to save your changes. 

Using the navigation in content

Each piece of content will inherit the default navigation set above. If you want to change this, navigate to your profile drop-down > Content hub:

The Navigation field described below must be turned on at module level. 

And in the content hub, navigate to the piece of content you want to add the navigation to and click More actions > Edit content:

The Content tab is displayed:

Scroll down to the Navigation field:

And select the navigation that you want to be displayed in this content item.

The navigation displayed by default has been pre-selected at the module admin level. If you would like to remove the navigation from this content item, select None from the Navgation drop-down menu. 

Once you have selected your navigation, click Publish. Your navigation will now be displayed in the content item:

Default Publication templates

As of 5.4, we have we have added additional default Publication templates to enable you to change the layout of the content articles you produce. More options intend to provide more choice and flexibility for users, allowing for different templates to be used for different module types (e.g. News articles versus Insights articles etc.)

The names of these 3 templates are:

  • Jade
  • Marble
  • Slate

And each of the layouts will change with each of the new themes.

Please note that if you are an existing client, you may need to work with our Professional Services team to work on some minimal design details

Examples of the templates are below:








We have also introduced customisable layouts available to use for the design of an entire publisher instance. These contain key overall look and feel details from out-of-the-box themes that are easy to apply with the added ability to make extra customisation changes to fonts, logos and colours with a few adjustments. This also saves time during the implementation process.

The names of these 3 themes are: 
  • Alps
  • Atlas
  • Andes

And examples of each theme can be found below:







For existing customers, your customisation will be transferred into the default theme. If you have utilised Professional services to work on your design, please do not change or restore to default, as you will lose your bespoke solution. If you want to test these items, we recommend you use a sandbox instance. For more information contact HighQ Support. 

Managing your theme

To manage a theme, navigate to System admin within your drop down menu:


The System admin screen is displayed. Within the System admin screen, navigate to System customisation Themes:


The Themes screen is displayed:


Within the Themes screen, you can EditPreviewRestore to default and Apply themes.

Editing Themes

To Edit a theme, click More actions on the theme you want to edit and click Edit Theme:


The screen will be displayed:


Within this screen, you can edit every aspect of the theme, including background colours, title colours, background images, headers and navigation etc.

If you need more help with editing your Theme, please contact Professional Services for more information.

Once you have edited your theme, click Save to save your changes.

Please note that you can also add Javascript, CSS and fonts via the Javascript, CSS and fonts tab

Preview Theme

Previewing a theme lets you view what a theme will look like, before committing to using it. To preview a theme, click More actions > Preview theme:


A new tab will open displaying what your instance will look like with the new theme enabled.

Please note that until you return to the themes page, your instance will remain within the preview of your selected theme

Applying a theme

Applying a theme will enable the theme you have selected, on your instance. To apply a theme, navigate to More actions > Apply theme:


The theme will be applied to your instance.

Restore default theme

Restoring a default theme will remove any additional changes you have made to a theme, and restore it to the out of the box version we supply. To restore a default theme, click More actions > Restore default theme:


The default theme will be restored to its original settings.


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