29 Jul 2019

Create a new iSheet from a template

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter iSheets

Site Administrators (and System Administrators) may deploy iSheet templates to sites.

To create a new iSheet from a template, navigate to the iSheet Admin page (Site Admin > iSheets), click Add and select Template:



The Import from Template window opens:

Click the Select template drop-down to see a list of available iSheet templates:

Select a template to deploy from the list.

As of August 2022, click the Select views drop-down to see a list of available iSheet views:

Select one or more entries to add the views and the columns in those views.

Each view can be used to control access to sensitive data; only records in the view are available to users with access to the created iSheet.

Click Import to create the new iSheet.

Normally, if you create more than one iSheet from a single template, even with a different view, you create a separate, brand new iSheet.

However, If you create an additional iSheet for the Legal Tracker integration, then the selected view is added to the existing Legal Tracker iSheet.

Linked iSheet configuration

You must choose whether or not the iSheet will be linked to the template or not. The linked iSheet setting determines whether the iSheet created from the template can be modified on the site where it is deployed.

If you select No, the iSheet is not linked and may be edited once deployed.

If you select Yes, the iSheet is linked and the new iSheet cannot be edited on the site, and can only be edited by a system admin from System Admin > iSheet Admin. Any changes made to the template in system admin are reflected in all sites where that iSheet template has been deployed.

Click Import to deploy the template.

Once a template is deployed to a site, you may not change it whether or not the iSheet is linked. See the iSheet template tips for more information on when to link an iSheet to the template.

Once deployed, the new iSheet template is shown on the iSheet Admin page. The list shows both the iSheet and the template it was deployed from, as follows:

A label indicates if the iSheet is linked from the template:

Once deployed, iSheets that are not linked may be managed and modified like any other iSheet. If an iSheet is linked to a template, however, it is not possible to modify it on the site, as all modifications must be applied via the template itself by a system admin in System admin > iSheet admin.

Caution: If you disable the Deleted items view in an iSheet template then all contents of the Deleted items view in all linked iSheets are permanently deleted.

iSheets created from templates have permissions based on the selected view. If a default view is selected, all users on the site have view-only access to all items, views and columns. Permissions for both linked and unlinked iSheets may be modified. See iSheet Permissions for more information.

If the iSheet deployed from a template is a file or folder metadata iSheet, permissions are set based on folder and file permissions set in the files module.  

If your site already contains a file or folder metadata iSheet, it is notpossible to deploy another template of the same kind. 

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