29 Jul 2019

iSheets - File link and folder link column

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter iSheets

File and Folder link columns allow users to link directly to content in the Files module. Depending on the content you need to link to, you would create a File link or Folder link column. Multiple file links and folder links can be added using these column types.

These columns have no configurable options outside of the common column settings. To create the column, simply enter a name and save the column. If needed, you may change the column width.

File Link

To add a file link to your iSheet record, click on Select files in the Add record screen.

You will then be presented with a window displaying the folder structure of the Files module. From here you can select multiple files or a folder. If a folder is selected, then all files in that folder will be displayed as links. Once the desired file or files have been selected, click Add.

Once the files have been added they will appear in the Add record screen, as below. Click Add to commit the record.

Once the whole record has been committed the file link will be available in the iSheet table view, as seen below. Click the file title to view the file in the viewer, or if you have been granted sufficient download permissions, you can download an unencrypted version of the file by clicking the down arrow icon.

If multiple files links are included in the column, you may cycle through them in the viewer using the navigation arrows.

Folder Link

To add a Folder link to your iSheet record, click Select folders from the Add record screen.

You will then be presented with the File module structure where you can select the desired folder to link to. Once the desired folder has been selected, click Save.

To add additional folder links, click the Select folders button again, select another folder to link to and click Save.

Once you have returned to the Add record screen, click Add to commit the record. The folder link(s) will then be displayed in the iSheet table view, as seen below.

Additional Information

  • When editing a record, file and folder links can be removed using the remove icon:

  • If a file or folder is moved or renamed, the link will continue to appear (and will be renamed, if appropriate).  If the underlying file or folder is deleted, the link is also deleted.

These two column types are subject to the following restrictions:

  • If Allow search is enabled on a file link or folder link column, only the title of the files and/or folders linked are searchable.  The contents of linked files or folders cannot be searched from the iSheet search.
  • When choosing a file or folder,  the only files and folders exposed in the file structure tree are those that the user adding the iSheet item has access to.   
  • The iSheet item will only reveal the name and path of linked files and folders if the user has at least read access to them.

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