29 Jul 2019

iSheets - Hyperlink column

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter iSheets

The hyperlink column allows a user to enter a URL and the text that will appear for that link.

Due to the simplicity of the column type, only common configuration options are available (Column width, Mandatory, etc.), as the link and its display property are decided in the Add item entry form of the iSheet.

Adding a link

When adding a record, the Hyperlink column will present two fields: Enter the display name and Enter URL, as seen below.

Once you have entered the URL you can preview the link to ensure it works before saving the record. 

Once you have saved the record, the link will display in the table view, as below.

When viewing the link in an iSheet item, only the display name is revealed. Clicking on the link opens the URL in a new window. If no display name is entered, the URL will be used as the display name.

Allow search

If Allow search is enabled, only the display name (the link text) will be searchable, not the URL string. However, in the case that no display name text is entered and the URL is used as the display name, the URL string as the display name will be searchable.

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