29 Jul 2019

iSheets - Image column

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter iSheets

The image column allows a user to add an image to an iSheet, which will be displayed and can be downloaded. All standard image file types are supported (jpg, jpeg, bmp, png, gif). 

There are two methods for adding an image and you must choose one or the other when the column is created. You can change the method at any point in the future by editing the column.

Image as attachment

When adding an image as an attachment, click the Browse button in the Add item form page.

Navigate to and select the file you wish to upload.

Click Add to complete the process.

Adding Image as URL

When adding the image as a URL, first get the URL from the image you want to add. You can do this by right-clicking and selecting copy image address. Then paste the URL into the Enter URL field in the Add item form page.

Once the URL has been entered, you can click on the preview image button to the right, to test the image URL.

Click Add to save the record. Once the record has been added the image will appear in the table view.

You can click on the thumbnail to expand the image in full. 


Column width

Setting the column width on an image column type will control the maximum width of the image while preserving its aspect ratio. For example, if an image has a width of 150 pixels and the column width is set to 100 pixels, the image will appear in the iSheet table view as 84 pixels wide with the height adjusted to preserve the aspect ratio.

8 pixels of padding are applied on either side of the image.

However, if the same image is displayed in a column with a column width set to 200 pixels, the image would have enough width space to display full size.

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