29 Jul 2019

iSheets - Multiple line text

Topics Version 5.3
Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter iSheets

The multiple line text column type allows users to add multiple lines of text to an iSheet record without any character limits. This column type is typically used for addresses, explanations, cumulative notes, etc. and is similar to a single line text column, but with some minor differences.

Number of lines displayed and width

The number of lines and width attributes govern how large the textbox will appear in the input form when adding an item. There are no restrictions on the amount of text that can be entered into a multiple-line text field and if the text entered exceeds the dimensions of the field, a scroll bar will appear to accommodate the extra text. If you wish to provide a bigger space for your users to add text, increase these settings to increase the size of the available text field.

  • Number of lines displayed while entering data - controls how many lines deep the text field will display before the scroll bar appears.
  • Width - defines the approximate number of characters to show on one line.  When the width has been reached, the text will wrap. 

 Allow rich HTML text

Checking the Allow rich HTML text option gives users the ability to apply some basic formatting to the text entered, as well as links to external web pages or other content in your Collaborate instance. Below is an example of how the formatting options appear in the Add item form.

Any formatting applied is only displayed in the table view of the iSheets module and will not be applied when an iSheet view is exported to Excel.

Formatting as HTML markup is included in CSV and XML exports.

If you deselect this option (i.e. change rich HTML text to plain text) after formatting is added to text, markup is exposed as plain text. If required, edit each record to remove the markup.

Truncate multi-line text

It is possible to truncate long entries in a multiple-line text column. This reduces the size of the iSheet and helps when viewing and navigating an iSheet.

Truncation is defined in global iSheet settings, not in individual column settings.

Open the Admin module and select iSheets under Module settings; click on the name of the iSheet to see iSheet settings.

Select the checkbox next to Set character limit to truncate multi-line text and enter a limit (by default the character limit is 255 characters).

Click Save to save your changes.

When viewing an iSheet with truncated text, click Show more to expand the cell and see all text. Click Show less to hide the truncated text again.

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