29 Jul 2019

iSheets - User lookup column

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter iSheets

The user lookup column type allows you to pick one (or more) users and groups from a list and display their details in an iSheet column. This information is pulled directly from the group information or the user's account profile. This column type is useful if you have built a task submission and tracking form in iSheets, and want to display the current owner of each task.

There are two configuration options available for this column type, which are explained below.

Select lookup

Select lookup allows you to define the pool of users you can select from. The following options are available:

  • All System Users
  • All Site Users
  • Content Administrators
  • Site Administrators
  • All System Users and Groups
  • All Site Users and Groups
  • Site Groups

Choosing All System Users or All System Users and Groups makes all users in every site on your instance available for selection, including sites that users of the current site do not have access to. Therefore it is best to avoid this choice except for iSheets available only to internal users.

Site Groups

As of March 2023, you can select Site Groups to exclude individual users from the User Lookup search; only site groups are available in the iSheet User Lookup column.

This is similar to All Site Users and Groups, but users and Admin groups are excluded from the search.

Field display

Field display determines what information is displayed about the user once they have been selected.

Listed below are examples of the output of each option.


Email address

Username & Organisation

Selecting a user or group

From the Add item form in the iSheets module, type the first or last name of the user or group you wish to select and click on their name in the returned search results.

Once selected, the user or group will be displayed as a tag in the User lookup field.

Upon clicking Add to save the item, the user or group will be added.

If Allow multiple users is not checked, only one user can be selected in a lookup column. To change the current user, click on the x button in the user tag you want to remove and then click Add again to save the changes. If Allow multiple users is checked, you may add as many additional users as needed.

Allow search

If you enable Allow search on a user lookup column, the advanced search form field for the column will allow you to type a name and select a user from a pick list, much like the process of selecting a user described above. If the user lookup column allows multiple users, you may add more than one user to the search field, but note that the search results will return items that contain all of the users entered in the search field, not items which have just one of the users.

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