Site, content and user administration

16 Jul 2019

Site audits and reports

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter Reporting, Workflow

The reporting tools provide information about site activity for Site Administrators and Report Administrators, in two broad categories: Reports and Audits. These are accessed by navigating to Admin > Audits and reports > Reports or Audits.

If document review workflow is enabled in site admin the site audit and reports functionality is displayed as a Reporting module in the standard site navigation.


The type of reports are shown below:

Most of the reports can be filtered by time frame, and all of the report results can be exported to Excel.

Summary report

The Summary report provides an overview of all files in the site and the file access rights assigned to each security group:

The No of files column indicates how many of the files in the site the security group may access.

Access reports

There are three file access reports:

  • Access by organisation - For each organisation, which files did members access
  • Access by user - Which files did each user access
  • Most popular access

Example of the Access by organisation report, which is prepopulated with default criteria:

To run a custom search:

  • Enter the required date range
  • Determine the type of access to include: All, Download, View or Print
  • Include only active users, removed users, or suspended users
  • Click Run report. The results of the report are shown in both table format and in a chart. To print the chart, right-click on it and click Print.

The results of this search can be exported to Excel by clicking Export:

File access reports include additional information when the Preview DRM setting has been applied to the site: (1) which page(s) a user viewed each time they previewed a file and (2) how long the user viewed the file.

The page-level report is available when the report is downloaded to Excel.

Each of the bars in the chart represents a single organisation from the site. Click on a bar to open a list of every file downloaded by members of that organisation (with the most popular files at the top), the file owner and the number of times that file was downloaded by members of the selected organisation:

This table on this page can be exported to Excel by clicking Export. To see which members of the organisation downloaded a file, and on what dates, click one of the numbers in the Number of times accessed column.

The Access by user shows the results sorted by user, not organisation. The Most popular access report lists the most popular files.

Login reports

There are two reports, which show when certain users have accessed a site:

  • Logins by organisation 
  • Logins by user 

These reports reveal the duration of each user's visit to a site.

Site users

The Site users report lists site users, with options to filter by Organisation or Group.

OCR Report

Once a document has been marked for OCR this information is displayed in the OCR Report. 

OCR Report

To view the OCR Usage click on the link on the top right of the report screen. 

View OCR Usage Report link

Clicking on this link will show you OCR usage over a yearly basis. You can see how many documents have been successfully OCR'd and then drill down further to see what these documents were. You can also see the documents that were not successful alongside the author of the document, the date and a reason for the failure. 

OCR Usage report failures

Using the failure report information allows you to decide if you want to update those documents and add a new version to trigger the OCR of the document again. 

To get a list of all the documents that have been successful or that have failed you can use the Export to Excel  button. 

AI Hub Statistics

AI Hub Statistics shows the count of files processed between specified dates, sorted by AI engine. Click on a section of the chart to see the list of processed files and the site where the files are stored. 

Click on the folder to open the location of the file.

A site administrator can also access information about which files are in the AI Hub queue, and at what stage of AI processing, so they can answer queries from users or identify bottlenecks in AI processing.


The site Audits provide Administrators with the opportunity to review actions performed by any site user:

  • User management - Any changes made to a user or group
  • Site management - Any changes made to the status of a site or changes made to site administration pages (excluding user management changes)
  • Content management - Changes made to files or folders
  • Login - All logins and proxy logins
  • Q&A management - All changes made to the Q&A administrative page (only appears if the Q&A module has been enabled on a site).

All Audits can be filtered by date range and by the user performing the action (or the audit can be run for all users) and the Audits indicate the target of each action.

For example, if Site Administrator A adds User B to Group C, a User management audit that is run about Site Administrator A will reveal all of the changes she made to users and groups, with the target revealed in each instance. For example, that User B was added to Group C.

User management audit

Running an audit takes only four steps:

  1. Select the name of the user who performed the action (or choose all users)
  2. Select the date range of the action(s) to be covered
  3. Select the specific type of actions to be included (or choose all actions)
  4. Click Submit

The results are displayed in a table:

The table can be exported to Excel by clicking Export.

The results are shown on a new page in a table, with five columns:

  • The action name
  • The user who performed the action
  • The date and time of the action
  • The target of the action. This will vary by type of action. For example, if the action was User Added to Group, the targets would be the user and the group
  • The IP address of the user performing the action

Certain types of actions link to additional information. For example, if a user was added to a site, a pop-up can detail about the role the user was given and the permissions granted.

Clicking on a value in the target column will rerun the search using the target value as a filter. For example, clicking on the name of an organisation in the target column will return a search result showing all actions related to that organisation.

Workflow audit history

As of 5.4, you will now have access to the Workflow history audit. This feature is for clients who use Workflow automation. The search feature enables you to search through historical activity and also test workflow rules without searching for the automated outputs.

Accessing the workflow audit history

To access the workflow audit history, navigate to Site admin > Workflow > Audit History:

The Audit history screen is displayed:

Running the report

The Audit history report enables you to run a report between a set date range, on all or a specific workflow and rules, and all or chosen actions as well.

Enter your audit search criteria and click Submit. The report will display a list of all of the actions that have been performed by workflow:

This includes the:

  • Execution date & time
  • Rule
  • Workflow
  • Triggering object
  • Action
  • Status
  • Triggered by (user) 
  • Rule ID
  • Workflow ID
  • Message ID


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