19 Sept 2019

Add columns in iSheets

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter iSheets

Columns hold specific data points in your iSheet, such as titles, dates, numbers, etc. After configuring and saving a new iSheet, the next step is to add columns for each data point you need to capture for your use case.

To add columns, go to Admin and then choose iSheets, click on the More actions button for the iSheet and select Manage columns.

Creating a new column

To add a new column, click the Add column button at the top of the page:

This will take you to the Add column page, as seen below.

The Add column page is split into three sections:

  1. Name and type - This is where you will name the column and select which type of data will be held within the column. Column names must be unique within an iSheet.
  2. Additional column settings - Although there will be some consistent settings across all column types, this section will change depending on what data type has been selected in the first section.
  3. Column condition settings - If the column should display or be hidden based on a certain value being entered into another column, you will need to build a condition to do so. This area allows you to build that condition with the use of logical operators.  

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