29 Jul 2019

Edit and delete Views in iSheets

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Product Area Filter iSheets

To edit or delete a view, a Site admin can navigate to the iSheet admin page (AdminModule settingsiSheets) and select Manage views from the iSheet More actions menu:

All views created for the iSheet appear on the Manage views page:

Search for an view

As of March 2023, if your iSheet has many views, you can use the Search View names and description field to quickly locate a view with either the name or description.


Mandatory/required columns

As a view can unintentionally hide a mandatory/required column, please ensure the view contains all mandatory/required columns.

In the Available columns list, and the Manage views window, a Required column note indicates that a view is missing one or more mandatory columns:

You can check if a view includes all mandatory columns. Open Admin, iSheets, then select Check mandatory columns.

If necessary, select the iSheet to check. A list of views is displayed.

Click Show to see a list of mandatory columns that are missing in the view. Select More actions then Add mandatory columns to automatically add all missing mandatory columns to the view.

Alternatively, select all views you need to update, then select Update selected views in the top-right corner.

Edit views

To edit a view, click on its name. The Edit view page is the same as the Add view page, and any settings may be changed. See Adding and configuring views for more information. 

The system created Draft items view may also be edited in certain limited ways. See the Modifying the draft items view section in the Item drafts article for details.

Delete views

To delete a view, select Delete from the view's More actions menu:

A message will prompt for confirmation:

Click Delete to delete the view, or Cancel if you do not wish to proceed with the deletion.

Default and Draft items views

The Delete option does not appear in the More actions menu for a default view:

To delete the Default view, first designate another view as the default. Then you may return to the More actions menu to delete it.  

It is not possible to delete every view. There must always be at least one view per iSheet (excluding the Draft items view).

The system generated Draft items view cannot be designated as the default view, nor can it be deleted or have custom permissions applied.

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