03 Dec 2020

Approvers and Requesters within Legal Tracker (TIMI)

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter Legal Tracker, eSign

This article details the roles of requester and approver when using Legal Tracker within HighQ.


A requester is a user who needs legal help and can use a form to create a legal intake request. A requester has to be invited to HighQ Instance in order to create a Legal intake request. 

Adding a new request

Within the dedicated site  for legal intake, click Add Request in the admin bar:

The Add record screen is displayed:

Within this screen there are several sections and fields that must be filled in before creating the Legal intake request.

Please note, you can simply click the header of a section, e.g. Status, to expand that section and access the fields, but some fields are to be completed by the reviewer, so please be vigilant and only fill in the details required of you.

Once you have entered all the details of the intake form, click Add at the bottom of the form:

Your request will be created and a notification will be sent to the Approvers/Reviewers to review and approve the intake request. 


An approver is a user who is reviewing the legal matters sent in by a requester. The approver has access to the management aspect of the intake request. The Approver is a specialised site group created in the site with additional privileges and workflow. 

Approving a new request

To access the list of requests, within your site, click Request Tracker:

The Request Tracker screen is displayed:

Select the request you want to manage and click More actions:

The More actions button gives you the option to View the record, Edit the record, view the records Audit history and Generate a document of the record.

Click Edit to edit the record:

The record is displayed with the information filled in by the requester. View the information of the requester, and then navigate to the Status section, where you can edit the status of the record. 
The default status of the request is "New". 

Now, navigate to the Legal Department Approver/Reviewer section and fill in the relevant details within the relevant fields.

Navigate back to the Status section and change the status to "Send to Tracker" so send the intake request from HighQ to Legal Tracker. Once an intake request is created in Legal Tracker an intake request ID will be created by Legal Tracker and sent back to HighQ, this ID is stored as the Intake request ID of the Matter Intake Management section of the form. 

Please note that the Approvers should only change the status to "Send to Tracker" as all of the remaining statuses are managed by the system. 

We have also detailed below what each Tracker Matter Intake Status means:

Send to Tracker

Once the Approver/Reviewer has reviewed the intake request, they can send the request over to Legal tracker by changing the status to “Send to Tracker”. Once the Workflow notices that the status of the Intake Status field has been set to “Send to Tracker” it will send the request to Legal tracker to create an intake request in Tracker.

Intake Success

The status of the column is set by the integration to “Intake Success” when an intake is successfully created in Tracker and a valid ID is returned to HighQ to store it in the record.

Intake Failure

The status of the column is set by the integration to “Intake Failure” when an intake fails and no Intake ID is returned to HighQ.

Intake Rejected

Once the Intake is processed in Legal tracker, the intake request might be rejected. In this, case the Legal tracker integration will set the status to “Intake Rejected”.

Matter Created

If the Matter creation is successful in Legal Tracker, then the Legal Tracker will change the status of this column to “Matter created”.

Record management

In the Request Tracker screen, all details of all requests are displayed and you can manage each record.

You can ExportDelete and Download attachments of the selected records via Actions > Export/Delete/Download attachments:

And filter the requests via the sheet dropdown:

Additionally, you can search for a specific record using the search functionality:

You can Expand the screen to fullscreen and add it to your favourites with the following options:

And finally, you have access to sharing, printing, exporting to a pdf, downloading attachments, exporting, importing and the audit history, via More actions:

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