Once you have enabled the new HighQ Document Automation module powered by Contract Express on your instance or site, you will need to add new templates to produce documents using your organisation's data.
A site admin can add new templates so that site users can generate documents based on information added to the site.
Site admins must be a member of one of the Contract Express system groups, to allow access to Contract Express templates. See the overview for more information.
To add a new template to the site, navigate to Admin, within a site:

The Site admin screen is displayed. Within the Site admin screen, navigate to Document automation > Contract Express templates:

The Contract Express templates screen is displayed:

Add a template
Within the Contract Express templates screen, click Add. The Add template screen is displayed:

Within the Add template screen, you need to select a CE template, by clicking Browse:

The Contract Express templates screen is displayed:

As of April 2023, categories that do not contain templates are not shown in this list; however some empty categories may be present if you do not have permission to view templates in the category, or permission to view one of the parent categories.
Select a template and click Save.
If you select the wrong template, or wish to change the template you have selected, click the red x next to the name of the template you have chosen:
A warning screen is displayed. Click Continue to remove the template.
Link an iSheet and view
Once you have selected a template, you can select a Linked iSheet from the Linked iSheet drop-down menu.
You can use columns from the linked iSheet to fill values in the Contract Express questionnaire, which are then used to generate a document.
If you select a linked iSheet, the following fields are displayed:

You need to select the Linked view, which is either All views or Specific views.
Add or Create Mapping
After selecting a view the template must know where to find the information that is added to the generated document.
See map iSheet columns to Contract Express variables for more information.

Document automation settings
Once you have configured the above, you need to select where the document will be saved. You have the option of selecting a specific folder on the site, or a specific iSheet attachment column:

Select either folder or iSheet column, and click either Change to select the folder, or select an iSheet column from the drop-down menu displayed.
Once you have selected the location to save the documents to, click Add and your template will be added to the list of templates available for this site.
You can now generate documents using your template. Click here for more information on how to do this.
Archiving templates
A site admin can archive unneeded templates to remove them from the list of templates.
Open the Admin module, then select Contract Express templates.

Scroll to the template to archive, or use Search and Filter templates to narrow the list. Select the More actions icon for the template and select Archive.

As of August 2023, by default, archived templates do not appear in the list of templates. Select Archived in the Search filter to see Archived templates.