16 Oct 2019

Import a site template

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter Sites and templates


In order to import a site template, within the Manage templates screen, click Add > Import template:

The Import template screen will be displayed:

Either drag and drop a template, or browse for one. (You can also rename the template during the import process via the Rename option)

The template document type must be .hqa

Once you have selected your template, a virus scan will be performed:

Once the scan has completed, click Continue

Compatibility report

The Import template Compatibility report will be displayed. The report will set out how compatible the template you are trying to import is, to the instance you are trying to import to:

Additionally, you have the option to download the report as a PDF file. This can be useful if you want to share the report with your system administrator, if you need them to change any system settings. You can also send the report to the HighQ support team so they can help you change the configuration of the instance. In order to download the report as a PDF, click Download report as PDF.

Click Continue to import the template to your instance.

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