05 Jul 2021

Importing and Exporting Themes in Publisher

As of version 5.6, we have introduced the ability to import and export themes in Publisher. This will enable our customers and users to quickly and efficiently import and export themes created by our partners and our professional services team.

Please note that in order to export and import themes, the HighQ support team must enable this feature

Exporting Themes

To export a theme; within your instance, navigate to your profile dropdown and click System admin:

The System admin screen is displayed. Within the System admin screen, navigate to System customization Themes:

The Themes page is displayed:

The Themes page will list all default and custom themes that are available to you. Within the Themes page, navigate to the theme you want to export, and click More actions > Export theme:

The following message will be displayed:

Click Ok to start the download of the theme. The Theme will automatically download and once downloaded, click the theme (A Google Chrome example is shown below):

You now have the theme downloaded and access to it in your files. Now it's time to import it to another site or instance of Publisher.

Importing Themes

Once you have exported a theme from your instance, or have received a .hqa file from someone else who has exported a theme from their instance, you need to navigate to your profile drop down menu and click System admin:

The System admin screen is displayed. Within the System admin screen, navigate to System customization Themes:

The Themes page is displayed:

The Themes page will list all default and custom themes that are available to you. To import a theme into this list, click Import at the top of the page:

The Import theme pop up will be displayed:

Click Browse to browse for and select your theme:

Once you have selected the theme, the system will quickly validate it. Click Upload to upload your theme:

A message will be displayed showing whether your upload was successful or unsuccessful. If unsuccessful, please try again. If you continue to have problems, please contact HighQ Support.

Once your theme has been uploaded, you can apply it via More actions > Apply theme:

Your new theme will now be applied.

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