17 Aug 2020

Preference profile management

Topics Version 5.4
Product Filter HighQ Publisher
Product Area Filter System administration

As of 5.4, we have introduced a Preference profile management section which will allow you to set user preferences, in bulk, without the use of a script. This means that when you add new content with metadata that didn't already exist, we can include this within the users settings.

Preference management

The Preference Management section is found within the System admin screen. To get there, navigate to your profile drop down menu and click System admin:

The System admin screen will be displayed. Within the System admin screen, navigate to Services > Preference management:

The Preference management screen is displayed:


Please note that if the Preference management section is not available, please contact HighQ support to get this enabled.

Once you are in the Preference management screen, click the More actions button for the preferences you wish to edit:

The Edit preference screen will be displayed:

Within the Edit preference screen, there will be 5 tabs available to you. Each tab is detailed below, starting with Details.


Within the Details tab, you can set the Status of the preference profiles. You have the choice between Active and Archive:

Additionally, you can add single organisations or groups to the preference profiles via the search bar:

Search for the group or organisation you want to add and click them to add them.

You can also bulk add groups and organisations via Bulk add:

Clicking Bulk add displays the Add organisations, organisation groups or user groups screen:

Select multiple groups and/or organisations and click Add to add them. Click Save to save your changes.

Now you can move onto the Modules tab.



Click Modules to display the Modules tab:

Within the Modules screen, you can select which modules you want the email preferences to apply to.

Once you have selected which modules you want the email preference set for, click Save.

Now you can move onto Email preferences.


Email preferences

Click Email preferences to display the Email preferences screen:

Within the Email preferences screen, you can select the frequency of the emails via the Email frequency dropdown:

You have a choice between Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, Quarterly or Never. Additionally, you can select which metadata you wish to be displayed in the email.

Once you have selected the frequency and the metadata click Save to Save your changes.

Now you can move onto System preferences.

System preferences

Click System preferences to display the System preferences screen:

Within the System preferences screen, you can select which language you want from the Language drop down:

You currently have choices of English (UK)DutchEnglish (US)FrenchGerman and Spanish. Additionally within this screen, you can select specific metadata to be set as a default preference.

Once you have selected your language and metadata, click Save to save your changes.

Now you can move onto Actions.


Click Actions to display the Actions screen:

There are two types of bulk preference updates possible:

  • Apply Extra Preferences to users - This is for example if you have had to create a new metadata label called "Covid-19" to react to a global pandemic and you want to include this in your daily/weekly/monthly emails to all users. You can apply this extra setting to the users profiles in addition to the preferences that they already have
  • Override User Preferences - This is for example when you would like to override all user metadata preferences, even if they have chosen these items themselves, and give them a different set of preferences

Please note that this feature is a very powerful tool but can affect lots of users that cannot be reversed if someone was to make a change by mistake so it is highly recommended by default to have this preference turned off and then only turned on when it is required. Make sure the client knows reads the full KC article on this as it is important they are aware of the implications of this.

If this feature is to be used in implementation I would recommend turning this function off before Go Live.

 Please note the following:

  • When an action is in operation all other buttons will be disabled
  • If you set a metadata node that is applied to a module that a user has not been given permission to they will not receive email content or preferences for that metadata until permissions are given
  • Updating a large amount of users at once will take some time and will disable the other buttons
  • It is possible to apply multiple preference profiles at the same time but would recommend that this is not done in case the same users are in both preference profile groups. It is possible to use the User Report to check which preference profile groups the users are in
  • Highly recommend this to be used during the implementation stage of a project and then is disabled so that it is not possible for any system admin user to utilise constantly and use on an exception basis (e.g. if new metadata nodes are introduced like "Covid-19" and you then want to apply this settings for all

Click Save to Save your changes.

Please note that this does not cover new users. Therefore, you will still need to apply the pre-selection of system preferences to the organisation level to be applied for new users

Profile preferences audit report

With the addition of the new Preference profile management section, we have introduced a new audit report called the Profile preferences audit report. This report is available by navigating to your profile drop down menu > System admin Audit & reports > People & organisations > Profile preferences audit report:

The Profile Preferences Audit Report screen will be displayed:

Click Download to excel to download the report.

The report will contain details on what actions have been committed by which users.

Please note that users who are currently in the profile but have not had any actions applied, will not be included in this report

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