The Manage Templates screen enables you to manage all of your templates, you can add new templates, edit and export existing templates, and check the configuration of each template.
To access Manage Templates, select the site drop-down in the top navigation bar, and click Manage templates:
The Manage templates screen is displayed:
In this screen, you can Add/Import new templates, or Edit and Export existing templates. Additionally, you can click the name of the template on the list to view its configuration and click on the star icon to add a template as a Favourite.
Template source columns:
- Template source indicates if the template was created from a site on this instance, or from an external source.
- If Template type* is Allow derivatives, then system admins can create a site based on this template, then save that site as a new template. If it is No derivatives then sites based on this template cannot be saved as a new template, even if changes were made.
- Template licence* indicates if a licence is required to import the created template to any instance.
* These columns can only be changed if the template was created on this instance and if Site template type and licence options have been enabled by HighQ support.
Export the list of site templates
In order to export the current list of site templates, within the Manage templates screen, click Export:
This will automatically download the list of site templates in a .xlsx format.
For more information on templates and how to create them, click here.