Organisation administration in Collaborate

A System Administrator can manage all of the organisations associated with users in Collaborate. Simply click on your profile > System admin.

Click on the Org admin tab:

to access the Organisation administration section:

The section provides two primary features:

  1. New organisations can be added. Typically, when a new user is added to a site and the user's email domain has never been encountered before, the person adding that user will be asked to create the user's organisation as well. In that case, the new organisation will have a status of Active. However, using the Add new organisation button, new organisations can be created separately. For example, a law firm's largest clients could be added this way. That ensures that the name of each client is entered correctly and does not need to be changed later, as described below.
  2. Existing organisations can be managed, as described in more detail below.

Add a new organisation

After clicking on the Add new organisation button, the new organisation form appears:

The only required field is the organisation name; every organisation must have a unique name. The other fields, like address information, may optionally be added. Once an organisation has been added from this page, it can be managed like any other existing organisation.

Manage existing organisations

To find an existing organisation to manage, go to the main Org admin page and either use the search box to search for the organisation.

Click on the letter that corresponds to the first letter of the organisation's name:

Once the organisation has been identified, click on its name. A page will appear with the organisation information form and additional links on the left. Changes can be made to any fields in the form.

The status of an organisation can be changed from Active to Archive. That will have the effect of locking out any of the users associated with that organisation, but they will still be associated with their existing sites.

Manage an organisation's users

Click on Users in the left-hand navigation to view a list of all of the users associated with an organisation.

A user will be associated with an organisation in one of two ways:

  • The user's email domain is linked to the organisation. For example, the user with the email address will be associated with the Bay View organisation
  • Alternatively, if the user has a so-called exception (or generic) email address, like, when that user is created they can be associated with a particular organisation or can be associated with that organisation later

The list of users shows basic information about each user, such as their name, email address, when their account was last modified and whether they are an active user. This page also shows if the user has an exception email domain or not. Clicking on a user's name will bring up that user in the User organisation system administration page.

Manage an organisation's domains

Click on the Domains link on the left to list all of the domains associated with an organisation. Although an organisation will typically have a single domain, many large organisations have many. For example, Citigroup uses both '' and ''. Also, many firms have different domains by geographic location, such as '' and ''. Each of these domains should be associated with the same organisation.

Associate a new domain with an organisation

To associate a new domain with this organisation, click on Add new domain.

The Add new domain form appears. Enter the domain name (the part after the @ symbol in the email address) and indicate the status of the domain.

Edit an existing domain

Similarly, an existing domain can be modified by clicking on it, in which case the domain name can be changed as well as its status. To disable all use of that email domain in the future, change the status to Archive.

In addition to editing the domain, the domain can be moved and associated with another organisation using the Move Domain link.

Then choose the organisation to associate with.

Or all of the users associated with the current domain can be moved to another domain associated with the same organisation. That will have the effect of changing the email address for all of those users. For example, '' will now have the email address ''. That will also become the username that 'John Smith' will use to login.

Choose the new domain.

Archive / delete an organisation

Set the status of an organisation to Archive to remove it from the Organisation list.

It is not possible to completely delete an organisation as they are associated with email domains, and email domains are associated with user email addresses. 

Additional organisation details

The Department and Addresses links permit the System Administrator to manage any existing departments or addresses associated with that organisation.

For example, the law firm that hosts Collaborate may have multiple offices. Each office can be entered as its own address. When a user is added to that organisation and completes their profile, they will be presented with a list of available addresses and departments. The available addresses and departments can be managed here. As shown above, a user can select from one of the multiple addresses associated with their organisation, or they can choose to add another address.

Bulk adding users

Users from the Internal organisation (and no other organisation) can be added in bulk to Collaborate using a CSV file.

You would need to contact HighQ to configure the instance to allow this.

Once this feature has been enabled, when viewing the organisation administration page of the Internal organisation, an extra link Bulk user upload will appear:

Click on this link and view the Bulk user upload page:

The page provides a CSV file that can be downloaded, by clicking on the Download active user template link. This CSV file contains the following columns:

  • Given Name (the first name), optional
  • Surname (the last name), optional
  • Display Name
  • E-mail Address

When downloaded, the CSV file contains a list of every employee in the organisation who has an account in Collaborate. Add more users to the CSV file to have them bulk added to Collaborate.

Only the E-mail Address and Display Name columns will be used for the bulk upload process. The other columns can be left blank.

Then upload the revised file and click Save. All of the people listed will be added to Collaborate.

The newly added people will not automatically become full Collaborate users and they cannot be managed from the User Administration page. And email invitations will NOT be sent to these users. Instead, anyone listed in the CSV file who had never been invited to a Collaborate site before will now be findable from the Quick Search box of the Add users site administration page.

When adding a user to a site, simply start typing the name of a user added through the bulk add process and any matches will be shown. Select the appropriate user and add them to the site. On the second page of the add new user process, it will still be necessary to enter a display name for the bulk-added user. Therefore, one advantage of adding users in bulk in this way is to make it easier for Site and Member Administrators when they are adding new users to a site.

Archive users in bulk upload

The process of adding users in bulk should be repeated on a regular basis, such as weekly, as part of a firm's onboarding process. Simply have the HR department obtain a list of all current employees and put that list into the format of the CSV file.

Any employees who previously had been added to Collaborate (either through the bulk-add process or otherwise) will be ignored in the next bulk-add process.

Any new employees will be added to Collaborate, as described above.

Further, for any employees who had existing accounts in Collaborate but who have left the firm, and therefore would be excluded from the most recent CSV file, the System Administrator will be asked if they would like to archive those users. That way, departed employees will automatically be removed from all sites and can no longer log in to the platform:

Restricting direct logins

An organisation can be configured so that users may not log in directly using Collaborate credentials, but only using SSO or SAML-based login. There is a new Restrict direct login checkbox to enable this:

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