17 Jul 2019

System bar in Publisher

Product Filter HighQ Publisher
Product Area Filter System administration

The system bar is the options displayed at the top right of your screen, in your Publisher instance:

Customising the system bar

And it can be customised, by a system administrator, at the instance level. To do so, navigate to your Profile System admin:

The System admin screen is displayed. Navigate to System bar, under System customisation:

The System bar screen is displayed:

In this screen, you can drag and drop to change the order of how the menu items are displayed in the system bar, create new menu items that can link to almost anywhere in your instance, edit the details of each menu item, and also hide the menu items. 

Adding to the system bar

If you cannot access the following options, please contact your CSM.

Clicking Add in the System bar screen displays the following options:

Menu item

A menu item is a 'navigation' button, located in the system bar. It effectively allows admin users to manage their instance navigation, by enabling the ability to completely customise the system bar. 

Click Menu item. The Menu item screen is displayed:

In the Browse tab, you can browse for Modules, Channels, Metadata and Pages in your instance of Publisher, for your menu item to link to. Select the item you want to be displayed as an option in the system bar and click Save. This item will now be displayed in your system bar.

Additionally, you can link to an external item. Click the External tab:

Enter a title for your item, the link URL and choose whether you want it to open in a new window, the same window or a pop up.

Click Add to add this item.

Once you have added all your items, click Save. Your system bar will be updated.

Text label

A text label is effectively a container, that is used to create drop-down menus in the system bar. So you would add a new text label, then add a menu item and store it in the text label.

To add a text label, click Text label:

The Add text label screen will be displayed:

Here, you must enter the Title for your text label. Once you have entered the name, click Add.

The new text label will now be displayed in the list of menu items. Now, you can drag and drop any other items that you want to be displayed in this drop-down menu.

Once you have built out your drop-down menu, click Save. The drop-down menu will now be displayed in the system bar.

Horizontal rule

The horizontal rule is used to separate menu items in a drop-down list, as shown in the below image:

My profile and preferences are grouped together, and System admin, Content hub and Logout are all separated.

To add a horizontal rule, click Horizontal rule in the Add dropdown:

This will add a new item in the list of menu items. Drag and drop it to ensure the horizontal rule is displayed in the place you want it. Click Save to save your changes.

Editing a menu item

In order to edit a menu item, click More actions in the menu item list and click Edit details:

The relevant screen for the type of menu item you are editing will be displayed. Below is an example of a System menu item:

The above screen may look different for each user

Make the changes you need to make, and click Done.

Click Save in the System bar screen to save your changes.

Additionally, from the More actions menu, you can hide menu items, so they are no longer displayed in the system bar. Navigate to More actions > Hide

Click Save to save your changes. The menu items you have hidden will now be hidden to users.

Restoring to default

You have the option to restore the System bar to its default settings. To do this, click Restore defaults in the System bar screen:

Click Save to save all of your changes.

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