09 Dec 2020

System Reporting Administrator Role (Publisher)

Product Filter HighQ Publisher
Product Area Filter Audits and Reports

As of version 5.5, we have added a new System Reporting Administrator Role which enables you to give users access to run reports, but not full system administrator access.

To access this new report, within your profile drop down, click System admin:

The System admin screen will be displayed. Within the System admin screen, navigate to Users, organizations & groups > User groups:

The User groups screen is displayed. Within the User groups screen, you will see a new group called System reports administrator:

Users who are added to this user group will have access to view and run the audit report.

Please note, that by default, users will not be added to this group. You must add users via More actions > Edit group

In addition, only internal organisation users can be added into this group.

Once you have added users into the group, they will be able to run the audit report.


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