17 Jul 2019

User Groups in Publisher

User groups enable you to assign and manage permissions to a group which affect all of the users in that group. This in effect means that you can 'bulk set permissions' on as many users as you want.

Adding a user group

To add a new user group, navigate to System admin in your profile dropdown:

And in the System admin screen, navigate to User groups:

The User groups screen is displayed:

We have introduced a change to manage bounceback emails automatically as a proactive preventative method to stop sending spam emails to users that don't exist. By automatically 'pausing' emails sent to certain users, after 5 different attempts, when bounce back emails are returned and adding those users to a quarantine list, this temporary precaution will stop users being added to the block list. Users can then be removed from this quarantine list when applicable

Click Add group:

To display the New user group screen:

The user group will have a default name, which increases numerically every time a new user group is added

In order to edit the user groups' name, click the Pencil icon. The field will now be editable:

Enter your user groups name and click the Tick to confirm the change.

Now you can add users to your new group. Click Add:

To display a search box. Here, you can search for single users to add to your new group. If you want to add multiple users, click Add multiple users. The User list is displayed:

Select the checkboxes next to the names of each user you want to add to the group and click Add. All of the users will now be added to that group.

To remove a user from a user group, navigate to that user in the list of users, and click Remove:

You will receive a confirmation message, asking you to confirm whether you want to remove the user(s) or not:

Click Remove to remove these users. You will see a confirmation message if the removal was successful:

Additionally, you can select multiple users and click Remove to bulk remove users:

Managing permissions

In order to manage the permissions of a user group, click Edit permissions in the User groups screen:

The Manage permissions screen is displayed:

Here, you can give the group access to specific modules in the Publisher instance. Select the checkboxes next to each module that you want the group to have access to, then click Save.

Additionally, when you are editing the permissions of a group, you have the option to edit group metadata. For more information on setting user group permissions by metadata, click here.

Deleting a user group

To delete a user group, navigate to More actions > Delete:

The following confirmation message will be displayed:

Click Cancel to cancel the process, or click Delete to delete the user group.

Once the user group is deleted, the following message will be displayed:

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