There are three options when it comes to embedding links in a page; add a link, remove a link and add an anchor (also known as a bookmark):

Adding an anchor
To add an anchor, move the cursor to the desired anchor location and click the 'flag' icon.

Enter a name for the anchor and click OK.
The anchor name appears under the Anchor tab in the Insert link window.
You can only link to an anchor in the current page.
Adding a link
To add a link, highlight the text you want to make a link and click the link button. The Insert link screen will be displayed:

From within the Insert link screen, you can link to a(n):
- Recent document
- Site
- Module
- File/folder
- Blog post
- Blog category
- Task
- Task list
- Event category
- Event
- Person
- iSheet view
- iSheet item
- iSheet add item - you need to pick the site and the iSheet. Click here to watch our video for how to set this up.
- External link
Once you have created your link, it will look like this:

Editing a link
To edit a link, double-click the link when editing your blog/wiki etc. The Insert link screen opens and new link information can be configured.
Removing a Link
To remove a link from text or an image, highlight the link and click Unlink:

The link will be removed.