17 Jul 2019

Audit history for Files

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter Files

You need to be a Site Admin to view the Audit History of files. If you are not a Site Admin, you only see the Version History, and the audit information is not displayed.

Accessing the Audit history page

Open to More Actions > Audit History for the file.

Alternatively, the site in which the file has been saved may be configured to open the audit history page when a link to a file is accessed. For example, the file name in the list of files in the Files module, a link to a file in Recent Activity or in an email alert can be configured either to download the file directly or display the file's information page.

The Audit history page

The audit history page displays basic information about the file, including a list of audits, notes about the current version (users also have the ability to add new notes if they have the correct permissions), access to the file's previous versions and the option view who has accessed the file and who has not.

Depending on user's permissions and how the site was configured, there may also be options to download the original version of the file, such as if digital rights management is enabled.

Finally, the file information page is also the location where comments about the file can be viewed and added, provided that commenting is enabled for the Files module. Commenting is discussed in more detail here. Any user who can view a file can add a comment, except for bidders.

By default, the audit shows actions for the previous 30 days. To change the selected period, open Admin, then Content management (under Audits and reports > Audits). 

Change the dates for Performed between and To, then Save your changes.

The period is reset after the audit is created.


Export to Excel

When viewing audit history users now have the option to Export to Excel. To use this functionality, click on Export to Excel.

Depending on your browser type the file will be downloaded and available to be opened.

Open the Excel file to see the exported audit history information.

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