18 Jul 2019

Create a Wiki hierarchy

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Product Area Filter Wiki

Wiki tree view

Unlike the most well-known wiki platform, Wikipedia, in the business context it is most useful for a wiki to use a hierarchical structure. That makes it easy to show the relationship between various pages.

On the left panel of every wiki page (unless the site administrator has chosen to disable this feature for a site) there is a tree view of the wiki hierarchy. By default, only the Home wiki page, every top-level page below the Home page, and the full path to the currently viewed page will be displayed in the left navigation. The currently viewed page is underlined. For simple browsing of the hierarchy, use the > button next to each parent page to list the child pages beneath it. 

Click on any wiki page and it will be displayed on the right side of the screen.

Creating new top-level pages

To create a new top-level page, click Add top-level page:

This displays the new page screen:

Enter the details of the new top-level page and click Save.

Creating new child pages

Each wiki page can serve as its own content container and as the parent for other wiki pages. (Each wiki page is both a folder and a file.) If a user has sufficient privileges, they can add a new child page to an existing wiki page by clicking More Actions > Add child page:

The new wiki form will be displayed:

Enter the details and click Save. The new child page will be displayed under the parent page: 

Home page

When the Wiki module is enabled, by default a Home page will be created titled Welcome to the wiki, which serves as the top parent page of the wiki. While this page (and its title) can be edited, it cannot be deleted nor can it be moved to another place in the wiki hierarchy.

The author of the wiki Home page will be the site administrator who enabled the Wiki module. The content of every home page is the same by default, but the content can (and should) be edited.

Sorting and moving wiki pages

By default, wiki pages are sorted in chronological order by creation date. However, the sort order can be based on alphabetical order instead, or every page can be manually ordered. To do this, click Sort wiki:

The Sort screen will be displayed:

Select which sorting option you want to use and click Save.

If you select Manual, the tree will be displayed. Drag and drop the wikis in the order you want and click Save:


You can now add entries to your favourites and access them through the Favourites section:

Click Favourites to view all of your favourites. Here you can also unfavourite items.

Downloading attachments

You can download files that are attached to a wiki via the Download button located at the bottom of an attachment:


Click Download to download the file.

You can also download all files attached to a wiki via the Download all button:

Click Download all to download all of the attachments to your computer.

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