17 Jul 2019

Data visualisation - Date groups

Data visualisation date grouping allows an iSheet column of 'date' type (which holds individual date records) to be grouped together by Month, Quarter and Year as part of the chart creation process.

The quarter is defined as the calendar quarters (January to March, April to June, July to September, October to December).

This is useful for time-series information, to show how a trend or measure has changed over time. It avoids manually creating a separate text value column for each time group.

Using data visualisation date grouping

To create a chart using the data visualisation date grouping, navigate to a site and click Add panel within a section:

The Add panel screen is displayed:

Click Data visualisation. The Add panel - Data visualisation screen is displayed:

Enter a title for the panel and select your source:

Select the iSheet you want to use (if you have selected iSheets as your source) and then select the view. Please note, that for the date grouping to work, you must select an iSheet column of 'date' type. Once you have selected these details, you can select the chart type. For this example, we have chosen Multi-series line.

Within the Data tab, you have access the Category option:

Click Select to display the Select - Category screen:

Select the category you want to report against. If you have selected a date column, then you have additional options to choose how to group the dates.

By default, date column data is grouped based on the day.

If you change the selection to group by month, quarter or year, then the chart will group all the relevant records and perform the calculation based on each date group.

Once you have selected the data columns and the date grouping, click Preview. The chart will be displayed with a preview of the data, including your selected date grouping:

For more information on customising your panel, click here.

Data visualisation date grouping is only available for date type columns within iSheets in Data visualisation panels.

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