23 Jun 2022

Data visualisation - KPI charts


KPI charts

The KPI (Key Performance Indicator) chart performs a calculation (sum, average, count) of a single measure (a column) and creates a chart for the result of the calculation. In the example below, the average billed chart is a simple average of a single column, the 'billed amount'. 

Optionally adding a series column will create a KPI chart for each distinct value in that column within the iSheet. For example, the 'Billings per matter' charts below are automatically created as part of the same KPI chart, with a separate measure for each distinct matter number in the 'matter ID' column.

Anyone with permission to create or edit dashboards, and has the data visualisation module enabled, can create or edit KPI charts.

When you click on a KPI chart, it will take you to the iSheet that contains the data displayed.

Adding and managing KPI charts

To add a new KPI chart, navigate to a site and click Add panel within a section:

The Add panel screen is displayed:

Click Data visualisation. The Add panel - Data visualisation screen is displayed:

Enter a title for the panel and select your source:

Select the iSheet you want to use and then select the view.

The KPI chart is only available for iSheet source data. 

Once you have selected these details, you can select the chart type. Scroll down and select KPI Card:

The KPI Chart preview will now be displayed:

Series and Filter are both optional.

Please note that as of version 5.6, we have added the 'file status' column to the list of available iSheet metadata columns if the user selects a file metadata iSheet as the source of a chart and  the 'file status' column is included in the iSheet view.

Please note that the file status column can be used on any chart type and can be selected as the category, value, series or filter for a chart

eSignature as the source type

Please note that as of 5.7, you can now select eSignature as your source type.

When adding a File panel, you will now have the option to select File status metadata:


You also have the option of showing the eSignature status by selecting the Show eSignature status checkbox. This will display the status within your panel:

Click Select within the Value section. The Select - Value screen is displayed:

Select the Value. It will now be displayed within the Value section:

You can select whether you want to calculate the value of the Sum, Average, or Count. If you have selected a Series, you have the option of the Average (Count). This shows the average count of records for each distinct value in the Series column (in other words, if you had 6 records and you have 3 distinct values in the 'Series' column, the average count would be 2).

Click Select within the Series section to display the Select - Series screen:

Select the Series you want to report against. 

Finally, click Select within the Filter section. The Select - Filter screen is displayed:

Select the item you want to filter by. Once you have selected the item, you can filter further:

Once you have selected your Series, Value and Filter, click Preview:

Your chart will be previewed within the Chart preview section:

You cannot customise the KPI chart to add a title, text and other items until valid data columns have been selected (as with any chart).

For more information on customising your panels, click here.

What do you need to know about KPI charts?

  • In order to use KPI charts, you must have dashboards enabled, and KPI charts enabled at ASP admin level
  • The available calculations are; Sum, Average (of the sum), Count and Average (Count)
  • The Average (count) is the average count of records per distinct Series value. So, for example, it can be used to calculate how many matters per lawyer on average, etc. 
  • The Average is based on the sum of the values across all records in the Series

User lookup columns and assignee columns in charts

As of 5.5, we have introduced the ability for a site administrator to select 'Assignee' as a Series when selecting a Task Metadata iSheet (TMD) and the KPI chart type. The system will now present a series of KPI cards that will count, sum or average the value selected (using the multiple-select logic if required, if there is more than one assignee on a single task) to calculate the value per assignee, and create a KPI card for each Assignee.

Please note that you cannot filter specific assignees. If you need to filter for specific assignees, it must be done in the iSheet view and not in the visualisation.

In addition, note that if the assignee is a user, the system will use the Avatar icon for that user as the image on the KPI card

To set this up, when on your home page, click the Edit pencil in the top right hand corner:

This will make your home page editable. Either, click Add panel within an existing section, or click Add section to create a new section (then add a panel within the new section):

The Add panel screen will be displayed. Within the Add panel screen, click Data visualisation:

eSignature tracking via data visualisation

In addition to the eSignature tracking improvements, we have also implemented the ability to display eSignature tracking using Data visualisation.

Within your site, click Home:

And click Edit to edit your home dashboard:

The following screen is displayed:

Click Add panel:


The Add panel screen is displayed:

Within the Add panel screen, click Data visualisation. The Add panel - Data visualisation screen is displayed:

Here, give your panel a title and select the new source of eSignatures. Select which list you want to display:

  • Draft
  • Sent for signature
  • Voided
  • Signed
  • Declined

Please note you can create multiple panels, allowing you to create a panel for each of the five options

And the chart type of KPI Card:

Within the Data tab, click Select next to value:

The Select - Value screen is displayed:

Select request.

Now you can customise how your panels will look. Click the Customise tab:

Here, you can enter the TitlePrefix textSuffix text and add a Logo to your panel. Once you have customised, click Apply:

Which will show you a preview of your panel. 

For more information on customising KPI charts, click here.

If you are happy with how you panel looks, click Add. And then click Save within the Edit dashboard screen, to save your panel. Your new panel will be displayed:

And once you click it, it will take you to a filtered list of your documents, based on the filters selected:

The Add panel - Data visualisation screen is displayed:

Within the Add panel - Data visualisation screen, ensure you select the following:

  • Source - iSheets
  • iSheets - A task metadata iSheet
  • Chart type - KPI Card

Now you can select the SeriesValue and Filter of your chart. 

Please note you can also customise your chart via the Customise tab

Select a value field and calculation type for your chart. Now, within the Series field, you must select the Assignee column in the task metadata. Assignee field will only be available within the Series.

Once you have configured your chart you can preview your chart by clicking Preview:

In the preview, there will be a KPI card for each assignee up to the limit of KPI cards set for your instance (set to 12 by default).

Click Save to save your changes.


Chart Source - Approvals

In version 5.6, we are offering a new chart source; Approvals.

This new chart source can only be used for sites that have the Enable file approvals checkbox selected, in the Files module within Site administration. Once this is set, an Approvals source will be displayed in the list of sources when creating a data visualisation panel:

You can then select one of the lists, which corresponds with the lists in the My approvals section, found under the user profile: To approve, My requests, My rejected and Site admin: 

Please note that these three pieces of information (the site, the approvals source, and the list) define the data for the chart

You must now select a chart. For a chart to use this specific source, only KPI charts will be available:

After you have selected this chart, you can preview the chart and can also customise the look, just as you can with any other KPI chart.

Please note that the data configuration cannot be modified when approvals are used as the source

Once configured, save your chart. The count of approvals for your site will be shown in your new chart:

When you click on the chart, you will be taken to the My approvals list, where a filtered view of your approvals will be displayed:

Please note that only the approvals in the selected list, for the selected site, will be displayed

Additionally, the number of approvals includes all types of content, not just files, and approvals charts will be included in solution templates


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