18 Jul 2019

Embed media and images with the rich text editor

The rich text editor allows different kinds of content to be embedded within a page, which allows for the creation of pages with dynamic and highly styled content.

Embed videos, web sites and other media

To embed videos and other media (like presentations hosted by Slideshare and iPaper documents on Scribd) on a page, click Embed media:

The Embed media dialogue screen is displayed:

Within this screen, paste the embed code and then click OK. An IFRAME box will be displayed in the editor. To modify the properties of the embed, such as the width and height, right click and select iFrame Properties. A user viewing the page will see the embedded content.

Virtually any content that has a URL can be embedded using the technique above, not just videos. However, it may be necessary for the "src" value in the embedded text to reference a URL that begins with "https" not just "http".  

If the embedded content does not appear after clicking Save - refresh the page.

Example of embedded video

Embedding an image

To embed an image, click Image:

The Image properties screen is displayed:

There are three ways to embed an image:

  • Upload the image via the Upload tab
  • Provide the URL to an image via the Image Info tab
  • Select an image that has already been uploaded to Collaborate via Browser Server

Once the image has been uploaded using any of these techniques, its properties can be modified.

Uploading an image

To upload an image click the Upload tab.

  • Click Choose file and select the file from the local computer
  • Optionally, choose whether the image will be Private (default) or Public. A private image can only be accessed by that user; a public image can be reused by any user.
  • Click Send it to the Server

The image will be uploaded to Collaborate and the Image Info tab will be shown to allow the image to be configured.

Accessing an image from the internet

If the image exists on the Internet, such as the logo of a company from their web site, first select the Image Info tab:

  • Enter the URL of the image in the URL field. Typically, the URL of an image found on a web site can be obtained by right clicking on the image and selecting Copy image URL 
  • Click OK

The image will NOT be uploaded to Collaborate. That means if the image is no longer available on the Internet, the image will no longer be displayed on the page

Selecting an image previously uploaded

Images that were previously uploaded to Collaborate for any page, either by the user themselves (for private images) or by any user (for public images) can be reused on another page. To do so, select the Image Info tab:

  • Click Browse Server
  • A new window will be displayed showing all previously uploaded images. Select one. A URL to the image will be entered into the URL field.
  • Click OK

As of June 2024, images are displayed in the order they were uploaded, with the most recent images at the top.

Configuring images

There are several ways to configure the images that are added using the rich text editor. A preview of how these images will be displayed is shown in the Preview widow on the Image Info page:

Within the Image Info tab, the following properties can be set:

  • Alternative Text (i.e., hover text).
  • Image Width
  • Image Height -- typically the image's original width and height are entered by default
  • Border
  • Horizontal Space (HSpace)
  • Vertical Space (VSpace)
  • Alignment: left or right or not set.

In addition, the image can be set as a link to external content on the Link tab, or the standard link options can be used, as discussed here.

The Advanced tab provides access to other configuration options, including adding any ad hoc styles:

Once the image settings have been changed, click OK to save all changes. 

Image Placement on the page

Once the image has been added to the page, it can be moved using cut and paste techniques. It can also be included inline with text or put in its own line. An image can also be included in the cell of a table.

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