23 Jun 2022

People directory in Publisher

Product Filter HighQ Publisher
Product Area Filter Content Hub

This functionality allows you to display a custom list of users as a People directory. Since Publisher is so customisable, the way to view this list will look different on almost all instances, but for example, you can view the people directory via 'Our People':

This will display a screen, which contains the list of people, and additional customisable filter options:

Here, you can search for people, filter their name by the letter it begins with, or filter by job title, department, organisation and location. All of these options are optional and can be turned off (see below).

Additionally, there is a Download button at the end of the list of people, this will let you download a list of your current list (and will be filtered if you have filtered it) as an excel spreadsheet.

Managing the people directory

Administrators can manage the people directory in the content hub. To access this, navigate to your profile dropdown and click Content hub:

And click People Directory on the right:

The following screen is displayed (please note, that there are additional options):

In the Details tab, the following fields are available:

Field Description
Title This is the title of your People directory. This is what will be displayed in menus and as the title shown at the top of the page.
Permalink A permalink or permanent link is a friendly URL, so as to be easy for people to type and remember. You can edit the link by clicking the pencil icon next to the link.
Show user fields Here, you can select which user fields each user will have displayed in the people directory. The list shown above is the complete list of user fields that you can show or hide. 
Filter options

These are the different options that you can select for your filters, to change how they are displayed. The options are:

  • None: No filtering will be available for end-users
  • Left multi-select: Users can select multiple options for the same filter. This will be displayed as a left-hand panel on the page
  • Left single-select: Users can only select a single option for the same filter. This will be displayed as a left-hand panel on the page
  • Top multi-select: Users can select multiple options for the same filter. This will be displayed along the top of the page
  • Top single-select: Users can only select a single option for the same filter. This will be displayed along the top of the page
  • Inline: Filters are displayed alongside the text search box
Show filters These filters enable you to search for people in the people directory in a different way. So if you want to find a group of people by organisation, rather than searching for each person separately - you can. All 6 filters available are:
  • Name alphabet selector: Allows you to select users by the first letter of their last name
  • Job title
  • Department
  • Organisation
  • Location
  • Specialities

And you can select to display all, some, or none (if you really want).

Layout The layout is the layout of the search results. You can select from either cards, list or a table.
Default Ordering This is the default ordering of the people directory. You can choose from either alphabetically by last name or alphabetically by first name. 
No. of items to display This is the number of items (people) that will be displayed per page. 
Total no of items This is the max number of items that will be displayed.
SEO - Title The title that is displayed when your people directory is displayed in search engine results.
Description The description that is displayed when your people directory is displayed in search engine results.
Tags Tags can be used to help optimise your search results in a search engine.
Meta Robots Meta robots help determine whether:

1) Your results are indexed by Google or not
2) Whether your page can be linked to from another page

Additionally, you can preview what your results will look like from in search results preview below.
Summary/Abstract This field enables you to enter information which is then displayed as a summary. This allows you to add some supporting description text above your people directory. Additionally, you can unselect the Display summary checkbox if you do not want to display a summary at all.

Click Save to save your changes. 

Name layout

We have the ability to select Last Name, First Name, as an option to search for people within the people directory.

To set this, navigate to Dashboards > People directories, via your drop down menu > System admin:

And select the Name ordering drop down. Select either First name, last name or Last name, first name. Click Save to save your changes.

You can also now choose your Alphabetic filtering setting via the Alphabetic filtering drop down. This means, when selecting a letter, depending on whether you have chosen, Last name or First name, the results will be filtered.

Please note that if you have a fully linked Collaborate and Publisher instance (with the unified user directory), as Collaborate is the master in this, Collaborate defines the Alphabetic filtering and therefore this option is disabled and will only display only the last name 


People tab

Click the People tab, to display the following screen:

This page allows you to choose who should be displayed in the people directory, whether it is all users who are in your instance, or perhaps a select group of users that you want to highlight.

Here, you can select the People source, between selected people and all people.

Additionally, you can add organisations or groups and all of their people will be added to the people directory. Either, search for the organisation or group using the search box, or click Bulk add to display the Bulk add screen:

In this screen, you can select multiple organisations and groups by selecting the checkbox next to each organisation or group. Once you have selected all the organisations or groups that you need, click Add. All the users who belong to these organisations or groups will be added to your people directory.

The Organisation/group name section lists all organisations and groups that are added as part of your people directory.

Click Save to save your changes.


Click the Permissions tab, to display the following screen:

The permissions tab enables you to select who can see the people directory. By default, it is set to public, but you can also select Restricted which displays more fields:

If your permissions are set to restricted, you can restrict who sees the people directory by adding groups or organisations. All of the people in these groups or organisations will be the only ones who can see the people directory.

Either, search for the organisation or group using the search box, or click Bulk add to display the Bulk add screen:

In this screen, you can select multiple organisations and groups by selecting the checkbox next to each organisation or group. Once you have selected all the organisations or groups that you need, click Add. All the users who belong to these organisations or groups will have permission to view the people directory.

The Organisation/group name section lists all organisations and groups that have permission to view your people directory.

Click Save to save all of your changes.


Displaying fields from the Active Directory

We have the ability to pull through some extra fields from the Active Directory which can be displayed and filtered on within the People Directory, and also whilst viewing the user's Profile from within Publisher. 

Please note that if you have a linked instance, these extra fields from the Active Directory will not be visible if you were to view these fields from the Collaborate profile.

This means you can now pull through and display a wide variety of existing and custom fields from Active Directory which would be visible and filtered within the Publisher people directory.

To access this functionality, you must upgrade the appliance tool and to get more information on how to set this up, please contact your customer service manager.

Changing the wording of the people directory language

You can also change the wording of the people directory language. 

To do this, navigate to your profile drop down > System admin:

The System admin screen will be displayed. Within the System admin screen, navigate to Super Admin > Languages:

The Languages screen will be displayed:

For the language you want to edit, click More actions > Edit language:

The Edit language screen will be displayed:

Within the Edit language screen, click the download button to download the latest bundle:

Once you have downloaded the latest bundle, search for the text you wish to change, copy and paste it into the Customisation resource bundle field and make your changes. 

Click Save to save all of your changes.

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