13 Sept 2019

Uploading files and zipped files

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter Files

Users with appropriate permission (Site and Content administrators and users with Folder Admin rights) can upload multiple files or folders using the Zipped Files upload feature within the Files module.

On mobile phones the Add button is not displayed. On iPads, although the Add button is displayed, only files stored in a user's photo library can be added through this method. Therefore, it is not possible to bulk upload files using a ZIP file from mobile devices.

The basics steps to upload multiple files or folders are:

  1. Create a ZIP file that contains all of the files and folders to be uploaded.
  2. In the Files module, click navigate to Add > Zipped Files
  3. Either browse to the zip file or drag and drop the file into the box.
  4. Use the Metadata tab to add any further metadata such as tags.
  5. Click Add.

  1. The files and folders will be uploaded to the Files module with the same file and folder structure as existed on the user's computer, saved under the folder selected in the Files module.


It is possible to create a folder where you do not have view permissions i.e. if the folder does not inherit the parent permissions and you do not have access to the default settings. This is possible if, for example, you are a Folder admin, Inherit parent folder permissions is NOT selected and no custom group or user permissions were set:

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