29 Jul 2019

iSheets - Number column

Topics 2023-Q4-10
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Product Area Filter iSheets

The Number column allows you to enter numerical values into an iSheet. By using a number column, the system recognises the value entered as a number and will treat it as such when sorting and/or filtering rules are applied.

The number format is flexible and can display symbols for currency or percentages, and a choice of dots or commas as separators.

Please ensure you update to API v18 to use number and currency formats.

There are a number of options which can be configured in order to control the way in which values are entered and displayed.

Number format

As of October 2023, you can define the number format displayed in the column. You can choose to either display:

  • a comma as the thousands separator, with a dot as the decimal separator
  • a dot as the thousands separator, with a comma as the decimal separator

The number and symbol format is applied when an iSheet is exported to CSV, XML or PDF documents (but not XLSX).

The thousand separator is only displayed if Show thousand separators is selected, below.

Minimum/Maximum range

This setting allows you to enter the minimum and maximum values that can be entered into the column. Populate both fields in order to create a permitted range.

Select decimal places

You can set the number of decimal places displayed, if any, up to a maximum of 5, as seen below.

Default value and Column width

  • Default value - Any value entered into this field is automatically displayed when a new record is created. This value can be edited or removed if a user has sufficient editing privileges for the column.
  • Column width - The width of the column displayed when the iSheet is viewed in the iSheets section. entries that are too long continue on a new line. The minimum column width is 20 and the maximum is 650.

Select symbol

As of October 2023, the Select symbol menu includes currency and percentage symbols. 

Select the drop-down menu to select a symbol:

Then select if the symbol appears Before the number or After the number.  

If you select the percentage sign (%), no additional calculation is made, the symbol is simply added to the value in the column. If you need to calculate a percentage from numeric values in other columns, please use a calculation column.

The number and symbol format is applied when an iSheet is exported to CSV, XML or PDF documents (but not XLSX or Export templates).

Note for Data visualization: currency symbols in data visualization charts appear in the tooltip pop-ups, rather than directly on the chart or graph itself.

Additional settings

You can select options for the column such as separators, or if the entry is required when a record is added:

Even if this is enabled, thousand separators do not appear when users are editing iSheet columns; they appear when a user views the column in iSheet item and table views.

  • Mandatory - A mandatory (or Required) column must be filled when a record is submitted. 
  • Allow search - Deselect this setting to hide the content of this column from search results.
  • Add to the default view - When the column is created add the column to the default View.

This setting is only available when you first add the column to the iSheet. 

Column conditions

Conditional columns allow you to create forms that show fields based on your use case or project. Columns may be displayed or hidden based on other columns in the record. See Configure column conditions in iSheets for more information.

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