30 Jul 2019

Managing task notifications

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter Admin, Tasks

Email notifications are sent from the Tasks module based on the following triggers:

  • On Assignment  - When a task is created, all assignees will receive an immediate email notification indicating the task title, who created the task, when the task is due and a link to view the full task. If a user is assigned to a task after the task is created, they will also receive a notification.
  • Updates and Comments - If a user has configured their email alerts on the Notifications and alerts page to receive notifications when there are comments or changes made to content involving that user, they will receive email alerts for the following:
    • Created tasks: if a task that they created is edited or commented on in any way 
    • Assigned tasks: if a task that they have been assigned is edited or commented on in any way
  • Reminders - If a reminder has been added to a task, then the assignees of the task will receive an email reminder at the appropriate time if the task is still open.

These email settings are enabled by default for all users. Notifications will specify exact changes in the body of the email. Please note that in order to receive email alerts for a task, you must have been assigned the task by someone other than yourself (you will not receive email alerts if you assign a task to yourself). 

As of January 2023 task notifications for tasks assigned in bulk are grouped in a single email or post. The email or post lists all tasks included in the bulk assignment.


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