25 Apr 2023

Capture Contract Express answers in an Output iSheet

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter iSheets, Contract Express

An Output iSheet is automatically created for each Contract Express template associated with a site. This captures answers used for all generated documents. You can then use these answers to visualise this data or create reports with the tools provided in HighQ.

A record is added to the linked Output iSheet every time a questionnaire is submitted from Contract Express; this is the only way to add a record.

By default, only site admins have permission to view Output iSheets; however, an admin can grant permission for other users to view an Output iSheet.


Contract Express variable mapping for the Output iSheet

The format of each answer in Contract Express reflects the type of data that is expected. Answers can be multiple choice, a number, Yes/No, text, computed values, or others.

The Output iSheet matches each answer type ('variable') to the equivalent column type in iSheets where possible.

If the column type is unclear then the column is defined as single-line text. Please check your questionnaire and use another question type if required.

The iSheet automatically includes a 'file link' column; click on an entry to view the linked record in the generated document.

There may be some restrictions, such as character limits. Please plan your Contract Express questionnaire carefully if it will link to an Output iSheet.

Some advice is provided below:

Single-line text questions

Single-line text questions from Contract Express are mapped to a single-line text column in iSheets. There is a 255-character limit for a single-line text column - if this character limit is exceeded, then the document generation fails.

Please see Text Selection Variables in the Contract Express video gallery.

If you allow longer responses in the questionnaire, please use a multi-line text variable in Contract Express so that the column type is assigned correctly (multi-line text, which does not have a character limit).

If the character limit for a single-line text column is reduced, existing data is not truncated; however, all new entries are limited. Document generation fails if new submissions from Contract Express exceed the new limit.

Constraining answers with a Choice column

If a Contract Express template uses choice questions, use a static list of choices in the automation of the choice question.

Answers provided in an 'Other' column are captured in the Output iSheet, and as of April 2023, answers from a dynamic text list are also captured.

If you map a Contract Express Yes / No question with an iSheet choice column, then use True / False choices to answer the Yes / No question.

If a Contract Express template uses Yes / No questions, these will be shown in the Output iSheet as True / False values.

Computable variable output from Contract Express

As of May 2023, computables (variable output) from Contract Express are mapped to:

  • a date column if the output is a date,
  • a number column if the output is a number,
  • a multi-line text column for any other computable variable.

Please see, Computable variables in the Contract Express video gallery.


Repeat variables

When using Contract Express repeat variables, answers in the Output iSheet are stored as XML files.

This has no impact on the generated document, where the information appears in the correct format.

If it is essential to view the repeats or use them for workflow rules, consider creating computation variables with the Saved in session option selected. Alternatively, if the number of repetitions is low, you can create one column for each repeat, e.g. First founder and Second founder, etc.

Repeatable data modal view

As of May 2024, the Repeatable Data Modal View, is the initial phase of enhancing how repeated data is presented in HighQ.

This improves the visibility of repeated data, which can be challenging to interpret in the current XML format output from iSheets, especially when dealing with related repeats.

From the Output iSheet, select More actions, then See repeat data:

This opens a dedicated view that allows you to drill down and explore the repeated data in a more readable format.

'See repeat data' only appears on a output iSheet for a template that contains repeatable variables. 

There may be a short delay while data is generated as the Repeat data window calls multiple APIs from Contract Express to generate the content, and relies on the template being active in Contract Express.  

Select the arrow to open each nested list, or Expand all to open all nested lists.

This first phase has some functional limitations as it does not yet support integration with workflow management tools, external data sources, or data visualisation applications. These features will be addressed in future iterations to provide a more comprehensive solution.

Continuing enhancements with your feedback

While our primary focus with this release was to enhance the visibility and presentation of repeated data, we understand that your needs extend far beyond additional viewing capabilities. We seek your valuable feedback to help us expand and improve this feature, ensuring it better addresses diverse requirements and use cases.

A survey is available on the Product Community. Please share your thoughts and suggestions on how to develop repeats within HighQ beyond viewing the data. 


Visualise data from the Output iSheet

You can use the Output iSheet iSheet to create data visualisations on the Home screen and allow users to track answers and choices across all documents.

For example, the Output iSheet for Non-Disclosure Agreements can be used as a source for data visualisation.

In this example, the iSheet provides data for comparison and tracking in a panel on the Home page:


Output iSheets and permissions

A data visualisation built from an Output iSheet can be viewed by all users with permission to view the dashboard. By default, they may click the visualisation to drill down into the iSheet data. To remove this access, view the iSheet and de-select the Allow drill-down option under Customise, Advanced customisation.

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