17 Jul 2019

Authorise and set up the Kira AI

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter AI Hub

Watch our video on switching on the Kira AI engine and assigning it to a folder:


Kira needs to be enabled at super admin level - please contact HighQ Support to request this. Once this has been done, the option is visible in AI Hub at System Level and can be set up. 

Configuration notes

As Kira projects are assigned at the folder level, multiple Kira projects can be assigned to a single HighQ site (in version 5.2 onwards). Different types of contract can be held in a set of folders in a HighQ site - the AI Hub can send the files to the designated Kira AI project so that the Kira AI review process matches the contract type. 

Please note that the fields available within the AI Hub are limited to only those found in the default Kira Project Worksheet. If more than one worksheet is assigned to the project, the fields from the additional worksheets are not visible in AI Hub.

Enabling Kira at system level

This needs to be completed by someone with a System Admin role. 

To use Kira AI, a system administrator must first enable it at the system level. Navigate to your Profile > System admin > System settings:

The System settings screen is displayed:

Scroll down to AI Hub services configuration:

In the Kira section, click More actions > Configure:

The Authorise screen is displayed:

In the Authorise screen, you must enter your instance URL and API token. This information must be obtained from Kira themselves, please contact your Kira system administrator for help.

The URL will relate to your instance of Kira (for example, https://my-kira-instance.kirasystems.com/) and should normally include the path to the API at the end (for example "/platform-api/v1").

There should not be a / at the end of the API path.

The API token can be generated by a Kira system administrator, by going to Account > Admin console and using Manage API Tokens.

If you receive error messages when you first enable Kira, please contact the Kira support team to check that they have whitelisted the HighQ IP addresses, to ensure that the AI Hub can reach your Kira application. The HighQ support team can help with this if required.

Once you have this information, read the extra terms and conditions and select the checkbox to confirm that you have read them.

These extra terms and conditions must be accepted, as you must acknowledge that some data will be leaving HighQ.

Click Test. If your test is successful, you will see the following message:

If the test is unsuccessful, please double-check the information you have entered and click Test again. If problems persist, contact your Kira system administrator. 

Click Accept and Save to save the configuration.

Enable the AI service for sites

The AI service must be enabled so that each site may be configured to use it.

Scroll down to AI Hub services configuration:

Click the Kira drop-down and change Disabled to Enabled, default off in every site:

This enables the engine for your instance, but leaves it switched off at the site level. This allows you to have more control over which files from which site are sent to which AI engine.

Click Save to save your changes.

Enabling Kira at site level

To switch the engine on at the site level, navigate to your site and click Admin > AI Hub > Configure:

Scroll down to AI Hub services configuration and turn on the Kira AI:

Click the drop-down and select ON to enable the engine for your site and click Save at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

If you need to re-analyse all the files on the site that have been assigned to the Kira engine, click More actions in the Kira section and then Re-analyse files:

This is not recommended unless you have made changes to the AI engine configuration in Kira, and need to re-process the files in Kira to extract new information.

Note that re-processing files may incur charges from Kira.

Assign the Kira AI engine to a folder

You may now assign the AI to a folder on your site. Navigate to the Files module and click More actions then Edit details for the appropriate folder:

The Edit folder screen will be displayed. Navigate to the Settings tab:

In the AI Hub configuration section, click Select. The Manage AI Hub screen is displayed:

Select the checkbox in the Kira section and then click Save. The Kira AI will now be selected in the Settings tab:

Click More actions and then click Manage.

Select a project from the list then click Save to apply the project selection.

These are the projects set up in Kira; if you want more information on these projects, such as which fields are extracted, log in to your own Kira system.

Note that if Replicate folder in Kira Systems is selected, unsupported characters in the HighQ folder name are replaced with an underscore character in Kira.

Avoid assigning AI multiple times: When an AI engine is assigned to a file or folder, these are processed even if they have already been sent to an AI engine (this does not apply to HighQ AI but can affect other AI engines); this means duplicate files can appear in the assigned AI engine. 
To avoid duplication, use a consistent approach; either assign AI to files as they are evaluated ('assign as you go') or wait until it is clear how all the files should be analysed and then assign AI ('assign at the end').

Click Save to save your changes to the folder. The Kira AI is now assigned to the folder.

Re-analysing files

As of version 5.4, when you choose to re-analyse files that were already sent to Kira it will not upload the files again. Instead, the AI Hub asks Kira to re-analyse the previously sent files. Only if the file failed to upload will the AI Hub re-send the file to Kira.

Open the folder Settings window, then select Re-analyse files from More actions

Refreshing the processing status

As of our April release, you can now manually refresh the Kira processing status. This will automatically update the data within the iSheet, if the Kira document is set to 'Reviewed' within the first 14 days after the file is uploaded. 

Please note that these updates will be made hourly and will overwrite any data in the iSheet, with the latest information in Kira

In order to refresh the status, within your iSheet, navigate to the data you want to refresh and click More actions Refresh AI data:

The following warning message will be displayed:

Click Refresh to refresh the AI data. The process will now start, and you will be alerted once it is finished.

Refreshing multiple pieces of data

You can also refresh multiple pieces of data at the same time. To do so, select the check box next to each piece of data that you want to refresh and click More actions > Refresh AI Data next to the search bar:

The same warning message as above will be displayed. Click Refresh to begin the process of refreshing the AI data.

Assign the Kira AI engine in the Admin module

A site admin may also assign the AI to files and folders in the Admin module. Navigate to the Admin module and click Manage in the AI Hub section.

Select the files and folders to analyse with Kira, then click Assign AI and Kira.

In the Manage window, select a project from the list and if the selected folders are to be replicated in Kira.

  • Replicate folder in Kira - select this option to copy the selected files and folders in the selected Kira project.
    Any files that are added to the original folder in the Files module will be copied to the equivalent location in the replicated Kira folders for analysis and consistency.

If you select both files and folders, it is not possible to 'replicate folder in Kira' for the selected files. The files are instead copied to the root of the Kira project.

Click Save to apply the project selection.

Select a project from the list then click Save to apply the project selection.

You will see an information icon in the list of folders. This shows which project the folder has been assigned to.

These are the projects set up in Kira; if you want more information on these projects, such as which fields are extracted, log in to your own Kira system.

Once this has been configured, any files dropped into the Files folder are then automatically sent to the AI Hub, processed and sent back to the folder.

Do not move or reorganise files or folders on Kira once they have been replicated, as this can break the link to the AI Hub.

View progress when processing files

You can see how many documents are processed by navigating to Admin > AI Hub > Insight:

The AI Hub insight page is a reporting page containing charts about analysis and data that has been extracted by Kira.

This data can be used to enrich iSheets and Data Visualisation.

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