29 Jul 2019

Train HighQ AI with clauses

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter AI Hub

You can train the HighQ AI to recognise custom clauses, and to re-train standard clauses found in HighQ AI extracted fields.

Find the new clause

Open a file that contains a clause you want to use for clause training from the Files module.

Find the clause that you want to use for training, then click the Select text button.

Select the paragraph that contains the clause that you want to use for AI training, then hover over the selected text. Click the context menu icon, and select Train AI.

As the custom clause is based on the selected paragragh; please highlight the entire paragraph that contains the clause. HighQ AI does not extract specific entities or values from the selected clause. 

Please see our AI clause training guidelines.

In the Clause training window, either select an existing clause that the new text will help define then click Done, or select New clause to define a new custom clause.

Create a new clause

Enter a Name and Description in the New clause window.

Select a model and language for your clause:

Simple or Advanced - Simple models need very few training examples (one or two), but only match very similar clauses. Advanced models need many examples (ideally at least 50), but detect a wide range of clause variations.

Please note that as of version 5.6, the requirement for 50 new files has been reduced to one file. This change means that you only need to find one more example in order to train a new version of a model, as the new version will be trained on the original examples plus any additional (new) examples.

Contact HighQ support to change the minimum example requirement.

Language - select which language the text uses, from the languages active on your instance.

Finally, click Add.

For example:

Select the new clause from the bottom of the Clause training list, then click Done.

The 0 next to the name indicates no example of this clause are defined. The first example is added when you click Done.

When a new clause is created, open the Manage training section in Admin to train the new clause.

Manage training

A site admin can manage trained clauses.

Open Admin, then select Configure under AI Hub.

Click More actions next to the HighQ section, then Manage training.

Click the Clause tab at the top of the Manage window, then scroll to the clause you want to manage and click Train.

If training is successful, you see a Successful training request received message.

If you cannot click the Train button or you do not see the Successful training request received message, then the clause needs more examples (typical for Advanced models). Please define more examples from your documents. Typically Simple models only require one example.

Finally, select the tick box next to the clause name to use the clause in the site, and Save. If you do not tick a box next to a clause, then the AI service will not search for that clause when analysing files, and it will not be available as a field to map to an iSheet column.

If you cannot see a new clause in the list of fields in your metadata iSheet, make sure that the box next to the clause is ticked in the Manage screen and you Save the selection.

Click Choose version to see versions that have been trained - in this screen, you can revert to an older version of the trained clauses (click More actions, then Rollback to here), or delete a version (click More actions, then Delete).

A system administrator can select rollback to delete multiple versions at the same time.

Only a system administrator can delete a version created by another user.

Click Done and Save if you made any changes.

Modifying AI model names and descriptions

As of August 2022, you can modify the names and descriptions of your AI models. To change, click Edit:

The Edit screen will be displayed:

Edit the name and description of your model. Click Save to save your changes.

Please note that default (TR) models cannot be edited. Only models created by your users can be edited.

Additionally, please note that for documentation classifications, the name will change for future classifications but not previous ones, and if any Workflow is using the name of the classifier as part of the triggering event, these workflow rules will no longer be triggered.


Show training examples for HighQ AI training

As of version 5.6, we have labelled each AI clause model (to show if it is a Simple or Advanced model), and for both classifier and clause models, the Train button is disabled until the minimum number of training examples are provided.

You can now see the number of examples required to train a new model and, until you reach that point, the Train button is not enabled

To view the number of training examples and start training, go to your site, and click Site admin:

The Site admin screen will be displayed. Within Site admin, navigate to AI Hub > Configure:

The list of all available AI will be shown within the AI Hub. Navigate to HighQ AI and click More actions. The new Manage training option will be displayed:

Click Manage training. The Manage - HighQ AI screen will be displayed. Within the Manage - HighQ AI screen, click the Clause tab:

You can now see the type of AI clause model, (Simple or Advanced) and how many more examples are required to train a new version of the AI model.

 All newly trained or out of the box AI models will show the label "Add 1 example" , as they can be trained by adding a single new example. This is because as of 5.6, the first version of the model met the minimum number, so every subsequent version only needs 1 more example

Re-analyse files

If you have created a new clause, added a new version of an existing clause, or enabled clauses that were previously disabled, make sure you re-analyse your files so that the AI engine uses the latest AI models for analysis. 

Import clauses to create an iSheet column

Open iSheets from the Admin module. Select More actions, then Manage columns for the target iSheet.

Click Add, then Import columns (or select Column to create a new column)

Select the Source, Analysis engine and Select a field.

Find and select one or more clauses, then click Save:

Set the column type that matches the data that is expected from the AI engine (if in doubt, use Multiple line text for Clauses or sections, and Single-line text for any other field).

Select a section if required, then click Save.

When you add a column to this list, all column types are reset to the default. Re-apply all column types before saving.

Data types are strictly applied in iSheets. If data the AI Hub receives does not match the format of the column, iSheets rejects it and the cell remains empty. If in doubt, import the same field a second time, using an additional single-line text column to verify results.

If you are using the HighQ AI engine, the data in a field is automatically converted to match the column type.

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