16 Oct 2019

Add a single folder in Files

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter Files

Site Administrators, Content Administrators, and users in groups with Folder Admin permissions can create folders in the Files module.

When using a smartphone, the Add button is not displayed and therefore folders cannot be created from smartphones.

Add a new folder

To add a new folder, navigate to Add > New Folder:

The Add Folder page is displayed.

The Add folder page lets users enter details about the folder they are creating.

The user creating the folder will be treated as the author of the folder.

  • Name (required) - Enter the name of the folder that will be displayed in the Files module. This name does not need to be unique, meaning two subfolders can share the same name in the same folder.
  • Description - Add a description that may be useful to other users (Site and Content Administrators and users with Folder admin permissions).
  • Location - Displays the parent folder in which this folder will be created. The folder the user was viewing when they selected Add > New folder is set as the default parent folder but may be changed by clicking Choose and selecting a different location.
  • Permissions - Within the Permissions tab, if a site is configured to use folder- or file-level security, permissions can be set. By default, all new folders inherit permissions from the parent folder. 
  • Add - Click Add to create the new folder:

The new folder will appear in the Files module in the selected location. Only users who have been given permission to the location where the folder has been created will be able to view it. The folder will automatically inherit the permissions of the folder in which it was saved.

If folder-level security has been enabled on the site, it is possible for an Administrator to break this inheritance.

If the Site Administrator configured the Files module to use approval workflow, it does not apply to the creation of folders.

iSheet Metadata

iSheet metadata fields may be associated with a folder.

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