29 Jul 2019

Print records or export an iSheet as a PDF

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter iSheets

You can create a Print preview or Export to PDF in the More actions drop-down menu for an iSheet view, if you have appropriate permissions. 

Use an iSheet view to select specific columns to print or export.

Print all records from an iSheet

Open an iSheet view then select More actions. Select Print Preview (or Export to PDF) to display all records in the iSheet view in a printer-friendly format.

Export to PDF immediately creates a PDF of the selected iSheet view,

The print-friendly format shows the iSheet name and View name, along with the rows and columns of data, based on the selected view. Comments are not included (see below).

Click Print to print the selected view.

Search and print filtered records

Use a quick or advanced search to find and filter a selection of records.

Select More actions then Print preview to display the filtered records in the iSheet view in a printer-friendly format, or select Export to PDF to download the records.

Print a single record with or without comments

You can print or export a single record, by default this includes all comments, though you can choose to exclude all comments.

Open the Details window for the record to print (or Export to PDF); for example, click the Comments icon next to the record.


In the Details window, select More actions, then Print preview (or Export to PDF).

Export to PDF immediately creates a PDF of the selected columns and records,

If you selected Print preview a new window opens:

Click Print to print the record with comments, or deselect Include comments and click Print to exclude comments.


Export to PDF

Export to PDF immediately creates a PDF of the selected columns and records, similar to the options detailed above for printing. The file is automatically downloaded to the default download location.

Open the PDF from your browser's download manager, or from the Download folder on your computer.

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