12 Sept 2019

Manage new versions of a file

Product Filter HighQ Collaborate
Product Area Filter Files

By default, you can add a new version of a file and manage older versions on the Audit history page.

As of January 2023, version restoration and deletion are enabled by default in system and site settings. An admin can turn these off at the site or system level.

Add a new version

Any user with Update file permissions for a folder can add a new version to a file in that folder.

To start, click More Actions for the file and then Add version.

If check in/check out has been enabled for the site, the Add version option will not be displayed, but instead the user must click Check out, check the file out and then check the file back in to create the new version, as described here

The Add new version page is displayed:

The Add new version page is virtually identical to the Add single file page, with the same options, such as overriding the notification settings or adding a task to the file. Click Choose File to select the new version of the file from the local computer. A user can also optionally edit the file's Name and Tags. (If the name of the new version of the file is different from the prior version, the name of the prior version will still be shown in the Name field. A user can manually change this to the new version name, if required.) The Name and Tag values will be the same for all versions of the file. Although optional, it is strongly recommended that a Version note be included, to indicate how the new version differs from previous versions.

Finally, a marked-up copy of the file can be added by utilising Choose File. The marked-up copy is typically a redline that has been created using comparison software, showing the changes that were made between the new version of the file and the prior version.

When everything has been filled out appropriately, click Add to add the new version, or Cancel to return to the list of files without adding a new version.

Version history page

To access the version history, navigate to More Actions > Audit History:

The Audit History screen is displayed. Click the Versions tab to display a list of versions:

To view/edit notes for the current version or a previous version, click Add.

Compare versions

Select two versions of the document, then click Compare. This opens the comparison viewer as described here.

View a version

Click More actions for the version to download, then View. The version opens in the document viewer.

Download a copy of a version

Click More actions for the version to download, then Download original.

Restore an earlier version

As of January 2023, you can restore an earlier version so that it becomes the current version. This may be necessary to replace an accidental update.

'Update file' permission is needed to restore a version.

The previous current version is not replaced or deleted as the earlier version is restored as a new version.

Open the Audit history screen; select the version to be restored, then click More actions and Restore.

Confirm you want to restore the older version, then click Confirm.

New versions created from a restored version include a description to show which version was restored, i.e. 9 Restored from ver. 6.

Delete an earlier version

As of January 2023, you can delete an earlier version of a file. This may be necessary to remove content for compliance.

'Update file' and 'Delete file' permissions are needed to delete a version.

The version is removed permanently and cannot be restored.

Open the Audit history screen; click More actions and select Delete next to the version you want to delete.

Select multiple checkboxes to delete multiple versions in one process. Click the Delete button to delete your selection.

You cannot delete the current version of a file in Audit history.

Click Delete to confirm you want to delete the version or versions.

Deleted versions are still listed in the Audit history, but include a description to show the version was deleted, i.e. Deleted


Click Close to view the contents of the current folder. All file metadata is updated to reflect the new version, including the file size, date last modified and author. If version information has been enabled for the site, the current version number of the file is also displayed:

Approval workflow and eSignature

If the site administrator configured the Files module to use approval workflow, then an administrator must approve the new version of the file before it will be published. See this discussion for more information on the approval workflow process

If there is already a new version pending approval, another new version of the file cannot be added by any user, and the version pending approval or signature must either be signed, approved, rejected or withdrawn first.


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