After you have created a set of choices for a choice or score column, you may save, or export, these values for use elsewhere or copy the saved values directly from another iSheet. This includes the choice text, text colour and any image.
Example: You have created Yes/No/Unknown definitions, including colours and images. You can save these standard options for use in future iSheet choice columns.
A System or Site Admins must enable this feature in the Admin module.
To add values from a saved list, the admin requires access to the site and iSheet where the list was originally saved. Images must be saved in the iSheet image library.
If you have created an iSheet with a choice or score column, open iSheets settings: click the Admin module, then select iSheets under Module Settings.
Click the More actions icon for the iSheet to edit, then select Manage columns.
Select the target Choice or Score column and scroll down to the Choice list section.
See iSheets - Choice column or iSheets - Score column for more information on creating a choice list.
When a new choice or score column is first added to an iSheet, the Choice list will be empty. If necessary, create the choice options, format, and add an optional image.
If the Choice list is empty, only these options will be available:
Saving a Choice list
If your Choice list contains values you want to use again, you may same them for reuse in other iSheets:
Click the More actions icon and select Save choice list.
Enter a name for the list, then click Save. A notification shows that the list is saved.
Loading a Choice list
Once you have saved one or more choice lists, you may add these to any choice or score column. You can load choices from a saved list, or from a column in another iSheet.
If you want to remove existing choice values, open the column then select the checkbox next to choices that are not wanted and click Remove. Click the checkbox at the top to select all choices.
It is not necessary to remove existing choice values; values that are added or imported will be added below values currently in the list.
Load choices from a saved list
Click More actions and select Load choice lists.
Allow choice/score list values to be saved and reused must be selected in the settings for the source iSheet to be able to select the choice list from that iSheet. Click the Admin module, select iSheets and then the name of the source iSheet. Make sure one or both of the options below are selected.
The Choice list window shows all saved choice lists.
Select a list and click Add to add the saved values.
Preview a list
Click Preview list to open a panel with a preview of the choices included in each list:
Rename or delete a list
Open the list of choices, then click More actions. Select either option to Rename or Delete the selected list.
Only a system admin or the creator of the list can rename or delete it.
Load choices from an iSheet
If you have not yet saved a choice list, or just want to quickly reuse choices created for another iSheet, click More actions and select Load lists from iSheet.
Allow choice/score list values to be saved and reused must be selected in the settings for the source iSheet to be able to select the choices from that iSheet. Click the Admin module, select iSheets and then the name of the source iSheet. Make sure one or both of the options below are selected.
Select the Site, iSheet and Column that contain the values and formats you want to use.
Click Add to add the values from the selected column.
Export and import choice values
You may export a choice list as an excel file, transfer and import these values to any iSheet on any site.
Only text and colours are imported; you can not import images from the excel file. However, images are exported to the excel file for reference.
Export a list
Click More actions and select Export.
The xls file is automatically created and downloaded. The file name will be "Choice List-[name of column].xlsx". An example of the content is shown below:
Choice and Score columns support Hex code, Decimal code and HTML color names. for example, you can enter an HTML colour name e.g. 'blue' or 'tomato' and the colour will be translated to the equivalent Hex code, for example '#0000ff' or '#ff6347'.
Import a list
You can import the contents of a previously exported excel file, or create a new file with the required text and formatting fields.
The first row of the excel sheet is ignored during the Import process as it only contains column headers. Do not remove this row or enter values that you wish to include in the choice list.
The third ('Image') column is not imported, and is available in exported files only for reference.
Click More actions and select Import.
Click Browse to find the file to import, it will be scanned for viruses.
Finally, click Import to add the values to the Choice list.